~ The stock market is going through the roof. I hope you’re benefiting from this prosperity. Health care reform and immigration reform will create a similar effect.
~ 12 Republican congressional leaders are not running for reelection: this is big. I can only deduce that they either can’t get reelected or someone has dirt on them. Either way, the swamp is getting drained. Go Bannon go!!!
This reminds me of when John McCain last ran for U.S. Senate. He was being filmed at the border and called for the completion of that, “danged fence”. It looks like he's evolved into a swamp rat.
~ So I’m watching an interview of a
candidate for the senate in Michigan. I was so impressed with him, I contributed to his campaign. Talk is cheap. I have chosen to support leaders who demonstrate Christian values, I urge you to do the same.
Change will not happen by osmosis. Do not expect God to bless America if we don’t take action and be his instrument for change. He has gifted us with great resources and I believe He wants us to use them to do his will and further His kingdom. Our leadership is important.
~ Have you ever asked yourself why does the left want to change our culture? Isn’t the American culture one of the most diverse in the world and the envy of the planet?
They scream the tax cut benefits the rich, yet all reliable institutions refute their claim. Obstruction and misinformation at its finest.
~ There is a big shakeup in Saudi Arabia. There have been
11 Princes arrested. I expect a serious redistribution of wealth.
~ Let me get this straight, when Eric Trump meets with a Russian attorney, it’s collusion and treason; when the Hillary campaign and the DNC buy information from a law firm with information from Russian sources, it’s opposition research. How truly hypocritical.
Did the left not realize when they screamed colusion with Russia and demand investigations that they would not get caught with what looks to be extreme pay to play by their own leadership? They’re screaming about Russia spending $150,000 on Facebook ads when it turns out they paid over $100 million to the Clinton Foundation for rights to our Uranium. Dude!
~ I predict Biden will run for President in 2020. I also predict the left will make Bergdahl a hero, as did President Obama. They are giving lessons on how to subvert our military and embolden our enemies.
~ If you don’t think Washington D.C. is working night and day against Donald Trump, just remember that only 4% D.C. actually voted for him. They voted their pocketbook.
~ If you’re driving a 3 Series model BMW, there’s roughly 1 million of them at risk for catching fire. Good luck with that…
~ Creativity does not come from agreement, it comes from good natured quarreling. Adam Grant, New York Times op-ed writer suggests
our kids should fight more.