God forbid that this young girl is allowed to have children. No wonder the Libs have taken over the country. We have these no thinking young people whose parents never took the time to teach them anything. Everything is free?
More proof that California breaking off and slipping beneath the waves of the Pacific Ocean would be a GOOD THING.
Like, you know, shouldn't it be illegal to be that stupid?
Um, I think um,she is the um, future Um,President of the um, United um States. She just needs a teleprompter! LOL!!
I should not have done so, but I cracked up laughing. That was absolutely pathetic.*sigh* Good grief!
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God forbid that this young girl is allowed to have children. No wonder the Libs have taken over the country. We have these no thinking young people whose parents never took the time to teach them anything. Everything is free?
More proof that California breaking off and slipping beneath the waves of the Pacific Ocean would be a GOOD THING.
Like, you know, shouldn't it be illegal to be that stupid?
Um, I think um,she is the um, future Um,President of the um, United um States. She just needs a teleprompter! LOL!!
I should not have done so, but I cracked up laughing. That was absolutely pathetic.
*sigh* Good grief!
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