Monday, November 20, 2017

Tis the season for snowflakes...

~ If you believe our government can protect us, then you may want to read this article that tells how the NSA’s cyberweapons were hacked, which resulted in attacks on businesses and civilians all over the world. Never underestimate the incompetence and corruption of our government. This is a VERY BIG DEAL…

~ So I’m listening to a Republican Senator who voted against the new tax plan because it raised taxes some of his constituants. When asked what he considered “middle class”, he said the problem was with the “upper middle class”, who he described making $3-$4 million a year. I thought Democrats wanted rich people to pay more taxes, why aren’t they all in?

Even if the new tax plan raised their taxes, the increase of their investments in the stock market, retirement plans and 401ks should more than offset the tax increase. If they aren’t already sheltering their money to avoid paying tax, that’s their own fault.

~ All the media and politicians changing their mind concerning sex abuse allegations against Bill Clinton is most disingenuous. Saying they made a mistake and should have called for his resignation or impeachment is most decietful since they would not be saying a word if Hillary was POTUS. One word: positioning.

  ~ I don’t see how Roy Moore can overcome public opinion and win the election. This may be unpopular, but if a teenager who commits premediated murder can be tried as an adult, isn’t it possible they can make choices of who they have sex with? Why aren’t more adults going to jail for making minors pregnant? Abortion?

Many countries allow 14 year olds to marry and have children. Contrary to popular beliefs, many in America were married at 14, and became life-long partners. Physical maturity comes before emotional and mental maturity. Live and learn.

  ~ Kathy Griffin placing blame on the media for being blacklisted for her behavior is like Roy Moore blaming the media for his past behavior. Placing blame does not excuse the behavior. Just own up, apologize and move on. Most Americans will forgive bad behavior if sincere amends are made.

I'm sure many of you will disagree with my analysis and opinion, which if fine.  Just remember, like me, all of us could be wrong.  Happy Thanksgiving, enjoy your family is so blessed.

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