Thursday, January 10, 2013

I really liked this one...


mzchief said...

Spot on!

an Donalbane said...

In the words of Mike Love - Wouldn't it be Nice?

Anonymous said...

I've reviewed the videos from Sandy Hook and Aurora as well as tracked down the interviews, the Facebook posts, circumstances, etc., and conclude these shooting incidents are bogus. It's all theater put on by our government to generate sympathy for gun control.

Major news sources are in the bag. Believe what your own eyes tell you, not Wolf Blitzer or Piers Morgan or Diane Feinstein.

Preposterous? Absurd? Then look at it for yourself. Nothing hangs together. Dead bodies? Blood and guts? Videos of shooters or victims? Poor acting by those claiming to be relatives? Loose bits of info that do not fit into the official narrative?

It's not that you're foolish for not seeing the truth, it's just that you're brainwashed like everyone else. For the love of God and love of country, open your eyes to what they're doing to us.