Wednesday, April 29, 2009

~~~~~ The Right Direction? ~~~~~ The first 100 days.

Where to start?

Promising one thing and doing another. Some people consider dishonesty immoral. Integrity was once thought to be the right direction. He is far from the only politician with this problem.

Hand picking an administration that doesn’t pay their taxes and don’t share mainstream values.

Starting the process of restricting and removing our civil rights.

Bowing down to Congress after vowing to eliminate earmarks, then allowing gargantuan government waste of hard earned tax dollars.

Passing a $3.6 trillion federal budget without reading it. So much for restoring responsibility and accountability.

Instilling fear into Americans in order to pass the Stimulus bill after his commitment on “hope over fear” and “unity over division”.

Using the most powerful office in the land to spread ”doom and gloom” about the economy, encouraging an already weak stock market to produce record losses.

Laughing in public about Americas problems! They aren’t funny.

Citing the possibility of corruption, promising he wouldn't have lobbyists in his administration, but making 17 exceptions during his first two weeks in office.

Allowing, not condemning US Attorney General Eric Holder calling America a nation of cowards.

Forcing banks to take TARP money they didn’t want and then adding stipulations on government control.

Rolling back rules requiring labor unions and their leaders to report information about their finances and compensation.

Traveling to France and calling Americans arrogant, dismissive and derisive while praising Europe’s “leading role in the world”. This in not patriotism!

Compromising the security of America by:

Releasing GITMO detainees, some proudly confessing their acts of terrorism, into the United States.

Giving terrorist organizations invaluable and proven CIA interrogation techniques so they can train their armies to resist them.

Apologizing to the world for America’s behavior and making us look weak to our enemies throughout the world. And we have a bunch of them.

Willingness to drop plans for a missile defense shield in Europe for Russia's help with the nuclear weapons issue in Iran.

Cutting “shovel ready” defense spending on superior military weaponry while giving it to banks, insurance companies and overseas entities.

Putting personal beliefs before the security of America!

Much of the information I gleaned for this rant post originated from the New York Post via Michelle Malkin

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