Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Radical Extremists in Power?

THE FIRST 100 DAYS: An Administration Filled With Far-Left Extremists

By Peter Roff

'Almost everywhere you look in the Obama administration you can find appointees whose beliefs are clearly outside the mainstream.

The people chosen to fill positions within an administration, no matter how minor those positions might be, matter; they matter because they are being handed the tools with which to make real decisions that have an effect on the American people, the American economy, our legal system, our national defense and just about any other issue you can name on a day-to-day basis.

Throughout the 2008 presidential campaign, Barack Obama presented himself to the American people as a change-oriented centrist, slightly to the left of the middle of the road. The way he has governed over his first 100 days, however, shows him to be anything but the image he projected, particularly where many of his appointments are concerned. And it is these appointments that will determine the direction of policy in his administration over the next four years.' Fox Forum

Quite an entertaining article, filled with facts.

One comment I found interesting. It was obviously written in such a way as to not to allow a search engine to find it... ie, ac.orn, lib.erals, ra.dical,

4gsltw says:

April 26, 2009 at 1:21 pm

"Folks, be aware that the lib.erals are paying AC.ORN to blog on FOX. Don’t be surprised at seeing a whole lot of ins.ane ra.dical leftist comments. Your stolen tax dollars at work to destroy our country."

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