Sunday, April 26, 2009

~~~ Homosexuality in America ~~~ Gay Rights VS Christian Rights

Speaking Boldly Against The Creation
of Special Protected Classes of People

By Bill Wilson, Daily Jot News
emphasis added by Denney Crane

'The radical nature of this government is spinning out of control. Consider that within four months of the new Administration Congress that Christians who believe in end time prophecy, border control, the Bill of Rights and the sanctity of life are vilified as rightwing extremists. At the same time, elected officials are holding serious hearings to give special legal protection to those who have made choices that are sexually deviant. Democrats in their Congressional hearings are claiming that homosexuals and transgenders are fleeing for their lives from persecution, cannot get jobs, and cannot purchase goods and services. Therefore, lawmakers believe these people need special hate crime protections.

Trouble is, there is no documentation to support the claims. According to Andrea Lafferty, of the Traditional Values Coalition, Democrats neglected to mention that in America -- a country of 300 million people -- there have been only 1,521 cases of hate against homosexual, bisexual, and transgender people—hardly a surge in public persecution. Homosexuals, bisexuals and transgendered people should not have any more protection under the law than the rest of the population. We are all people. For lawmakers who we elect to office to elevate above the current law this group of people because of their sexual preferences is just another sign that the government is out of control.

It is time that those of us who know the truth stand up and say it. From a Biblical worldview, homosexuality is abomination. It is not moral. And it leads to the breakdown of society. Leviticus 18:22 says, “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” For those that say things changed since Christ died for the sins of the world, it is written in Romans 1:25-27 speaks of homosexuality: “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator... For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that with is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman.”

There was a time that Christians were considered patriots and standard-bearers of what was good and right about America. Now we have a government bent on giving special legal protection to those who pervert the truth of God and wish to destroy the moral fabric of a great nation because of their own selfish pride. Instead, Christians who hold to the truth of God are considered hate mongers and dangerous citizens. Romans 14:16 warns: “Let not then your good be evil spoken of.” And 3 John 11 says, “Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good.” Recent history suggests that those speaking the loudest get the attention. In this nation, we have a say. And we need to speak boldly.'

Although, there are 10s of thousands of Christians who disagree with the Holy Bible, it doesn't mean It's wrong... My personal opinion on the subject will follow this post. DC


Anonymous said...

You are spot on with that bible verse!!!!

That's why I don't eat fish either because to do so would also be an equal "abomination." Leviticus 11:9-12

Denney Crane said...

Maybe your Bible reads different from mine cause it says fish is okay to eat.

'Of all the creatures living in the water of the seas and the streams, you may eat any that have fins and scales.' Leviticus 11:9 (NIV)

But that's okay, you spin it anyway you wish. It's your choice whether to believe it or not...

'He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.' Proverbs 17:15 (KJV)

Anonymous said...

My mistake. Technically, that passage of the Bible says that eating shrimp is equal to gay sex.

I stand corrected.

Your hatred for gays is palpable. But I'm sure you mean it in Christian love.

Denney Crane said...

So I take it that you don't believe me when I say I don't hate gay people. Now I'm a liar and gay hater because I disagree with you and believe the Holy Bible.

Do you think God hates gay people as well.

Please remember, I did not write this article. Although, I agree that gay people should have no more rights and protection than I have; the same as any minority, religious group, special interest or political group shouldn't have more rights than me.

It's not the person I detest, it's the sin; even in my own life ~ and I'm not proud of that.

Denney Crane said...


I am praying for you. Please do the same for me...

Denney Crane