Saturday, April 25, 2009

Iowa vs. New Orleans

What's the difference between Iowa and New Orleans?

Where were the Hollywood celebrities holding telethons
asking for help in restoring Iowa and helping the folks
affected by the floods? Where is good old Michael Moore?

Why did the media NOT ask the tough questions about
why the federal government didn't solve this problem?
Asking where are the FEMA trucks, trailers and food services?

Why didn't the Federal government move Iowa
people into free hotels in Chicago and Minneapolis

When will Spike Lee go on record and say that the Federal
government blew up the levees that failed in Des Moines?

When will we hear Governor Chet Culver say that he wants
to rebuild a 'vanilla' Iowa .... because that's what God wants?

Where were Sean Penn, Bono and the Dixie Chicks?

Where were all the looters stealing high-end
tennis shoes, cases of beer and television sets?

Where was the hysterical 24/7 media coverage complete
with reports of shootings at rescuers of rapes and murder?

Where were all the people screaming that
George Bush hates white, rural people?
Where were Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt,
Oprah, and Harry Connick Jr?
Why, after two weeks, you never heard
about the Iowa flooding ever again?
Where were the government bailout vouchers
and government debit cards?

What the heck made the people of New Orleans
so much more important than the people of Iowa?

Is it because they don't have enough black people?



LandShark 5150 said...

All good questions DC. Maybe/maybe not, the answers are still far from those in Iowa, the Texas coast, and Montague county. Montague received help -- only to pay fire fighters, theirs and other who came to the rescue. Those 'tax payers' -- nothing. But then again, some of us take care of our own. Our vision of this country is one that believes in doing your neighborly duty, not waiting for the guberment to give to us. Not acting like a caged animal in the zoo, waiting for our next meal and cage cleaning. We live outside the cage with a free spirit that hunts for our own food and lives in our own den that we make home. That, I do think the founding fathers called "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."

Kevin said...

Excellent entry.
Is it because they don't have a black governor or that the mayors of Des Moines or Davenport or Aimes are not black. Why indeed aren't the noisy hollywood types making a big stink about Iowa? Is the legalization of homo marriage an effort to get Iowa noticed by the hollywood "switch hitters"? Is there no way for them to blame the Iowa tragedy on President Bush? Maybe that's it; they can't blame it on Bush or Reagan.