Thursday, February 12, 2015

aka Psych ward warehouses

Here’s a very sobering report that indicates “Jails Have Become Warehouses for the Poor, Ill and Addicted”. Several years ago I heard a doctor say that the largest mental health institution in Texas was the Dallas County jail. Violent crime is down but jail admissions are up? Something’s not quite right!

There is also those in the medical profession who theorize that many mentally ill people use alcohol and illegal drugs to “self-medicate”, which most of the time are failed attempts to deal with their condition or illness.

I found a well written article on LinkedIn about the difference in attitudes when a woman speaks versus a man. I never fully realized why women in meetings tended to remain silent, now I understand. Reality is not always fair or right.

When I see the President asking Congress for authorization to fight ISIS, I find myself wondering which side of the conflict he will be aiding. So far, it looks as though he’s done more to support terrorist organizations than those fighting them. How very sad I have reason to question his motives and loyalty.

Tell me what will happen if Russia is able to prove the World Trade Center was a controlled demolition after the planes hit the building and the US government was involved? It will be interesting to see if Obama and Congress proceed with arming the Ukraine. I’m sure Russia has amassed a few US secrets that could create chaos.

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Dennis Prager gives a great explanation of the Middle East conflict, “One side wants the other side dead.” 

‘He goes on to ask 2 critical questions: “If Israel put down their arms and declared ‘we will fight no more’ what would happen? There would be immediate destruction of the State of Israel and mass murder of its Jewish population.” 

“If Arab countries put down their arms and declared ‘we will fight no more’ what would happen? There would be peace the next day.”’ 
He also gives a short history lesson on Israel’s conflict with Palestine states. Worth 7 minutes! Viral Buzz

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I found a well written article on LinkedIn about the difference in attitudes when a woman speaks versus a man. I never fully realized why women in meetings tended to remain silent, now I understand. Reality is not always fair or right."

I read the aforementioned article with interest, but I have to disagree with you on this one, Denney. I'll tell you why. Female psychology is different from that of men for good reason. They operate "behind the scenes" better than men because they are traditionally not as intimidating for the obvious physical reasons.

These days, when a women does attempt to be intimidating (like a man), she does so knowing that her status as a minority gives her leverage. So, she knows no one is going to get in her face in the stairwell after the meeting. This is reality, my friend.

I've worked for both sexes and the biggest male a**hole paled in comparison to the women. IMHO, a woman empowered over men cannot psychologically handle it. Additionally, how can someone whose moods are dictated by the moon rationally lead?"Off with their heads!" the red queen screamed.

This is not to say females are stupid or never have good ideas. I do, however, say women communicate differently than men and in these politically-correct charged times, we overlook the differences and continue to attempt to treat everyone like they are the same non-sexualized, non-colored, non-ethnic, non-religious entity. It simply doesn't work in the real world and we pay for it by nodding affirmatively at articles such as the one mentioned above. I might add that the article was written by a female CFO, so of course that's the way she sees it.

I have found that the people who speak up the most are usually the attention whores and their ideas are not necessarily the best. Rather, they have a need to lead as well as a need to prove themselves better than everybody else.

As an offshoot -- What is the personality type most often associated with running for political office? Is it a genius? Or someone who sincerely wants "to help"? Or is it someone who thinks they know better and their outlook is simply better than the next guy's (or girl's). That's right, it's the narcissistic megalomaniac searching for venues of power and you can find those types in abundance at both city hall and in corporate boardrooms.