I hate to see the Angry Squaw remove her blog. I enjoyed reading her. She had many sad things happen, but she took them in stride, vented a lot and began to heal. That was the best part...the healing.
This post's for you Angry Squaw. Maybe you'll come back some day...hopefully as a Happy Housewife. I hope you make it... one day at a time...
Well, what's her story?
i miss her too....i know that she is healing... one moment at a time... i know she will come out on the other side of this junk a stronger woman with the world by the tail...
Yeah.....=( Maybe she'll give it another try someday. Once the sh*tball readers have moved on. =)
Well, what's her story?
Sir, I am touched. I had no idea anyone really suffered through reading all my drama. I pissed myself off, never crossed my mind I'd do anything other than that to others.
I opened the blog back up. I don't know when I'll have the heart to write again, but I'm working on those baby steps....
Thank you for your kind words. They have made a tremendous difference to me, as have the comments posted by dear friends on said post.
Thank you, Sir.
I'm so sick of the word "drama".
It's over-used, typically, by women who crave attention. Attention they fail to gain from lack of assets.
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