Monday, June 20, 2011

Bad career move?
Does anyone really give a $hit!

NBC left out 3 words in the Pledge of Allegiance yesterday which aired during the U.S. Open. I bet you can guess which words...

"under God"

If anyone believes this was done by accident, you need to know a very important fact; denial is not a river in Egypt.

There is one thing that comes to mind when I think about them leaving out the word "indivisible"; it's the age old phrase, "divided we fall".

Historically, all the greatest empires on earth that have fallen, including the Soviet Union, did so due to economic collapse. With that in mind, there is a whole world out there wanting America to fall, including a few politicians. These schemers divided up our country years ago.

Another question that I ponder, "Who did GE sell NBC to?" Whoever they are, I don't think we share the same values...



Anonymous said...

Change we can believe in...

Anonymous said...

Since under god was NOT part of the original pledge I have no problem with the omission. By the way Francis Bellamy who penned the original, was a socialist.