Friday, August 20, 2010

Rambling on...

  • I'm following a blog I found recently of a buddy of mine who tells things exactly the way he sees it. Although, I do like unpretentious people who speak true Texan and practice what they preach. I think you might find Around The Corner From Over There quite entertaining. I do...

  • For my fellow sick, twisted, terroristic, Christian Texans, I just was informed that our great state hosts the largest cross in the world. Of course, size doesn't matter. Ask any exceptionally polite woman.

  • It makes me sick that our government would endict Roger Clemens for perjury for his testimony to Congress, but they let a piece of shit like Bill Clinton off...

    Baseball players' testimony must be much more important than our President's... talk about a double standard! Sunzabiches!

  • I find it absolutely hilarious that WorldNetDaily is dumping Ann Coulter because she agreed to speak at a gay conservative group’s Homocon convention.

    I have to take my hat off to both Coulter and this conservative gay group for sticking up for their stance on conservativism and not bowing to the pressure from both sides of the aisle.

  • I just realized that the terms, "sticking up" & "bowing to" may not have been the most appropriate for that particular post...

  • Staying with that train of thought, leave it to a kid at the University of Texas to come up with a photoshoot of the Ass~entials of Surfing. Helps me to appreciate all the different beaches...


Anonymous said...

The cross photo looks "shopped". Have anyone actually seen it?

I agree about Roger Clemens. Clinton was much more serious (but it was only about sex) not something as important as juiced pro athletes.

I need to take up surfing.


aroundthecorner said...

I thought "sticking up" and "bowing to" were quite appropriate. Thanks for the blog plug.