Friday, March 19, 2010

Pop term of the day: singletasker


Opposite of multitasker, a singletasker is one who only takes upon one task at a time, and follows it through to completion. Often used sardonically when someone is bragging about their supreme multitasking skills.

Bobby: "Today I'm only going to focus on finishing my TPS reports and not to answer the phone, email, text, IM, staple, and make breakfast simultaneously."

Jeffy: "You are such the singletasker!"

Bobby: "I can't even respond to you at this time, because then I'd be multitasking."

Urban Dictionary

1 comment:

Jeffrey said...

Multi-tasking is highly over-rated. No one can accomplish a single task as well when their attention is divided. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out. These days, when I am job-hunting, if I see an ad that insists upon a self-starter in a fast-paced environment who can "multi-task", I read that the employee is looking for someone to come in and save a sinking business from a key position that so far no one else has been able to do. Be prepared to sacrifice your free time, your self-respect, and your health. After 20+ years as a professional who has taken these types of jobs, I can honestly say your reward will most likely broach negative territory: family problems, a mind clouded by endless details leading to mental issues, and of course, high blood pressure followed by an early heart attack.