Thursday, October 29, 2009

Denney Crane's Rumor Mill

I felt pretty bad the other day when someone inferred I was destroying our small town by running a "Rumor Mill".

Today, the Wise County Messenger Update confirmed part of the rumors the kids have been sharing with parents and the community at large. I will withhold my thoughts on the subject until the police have finished their investigation.

Denney Crane

Edit: It has come to my attention that the mother of a student at BHS went to the Bridgeport Police Department today and they supposedly told her that my blog made more of the story than what it turned out to be. In actuality, I was told the story by a student at BHS. The following day, a different student told the same story...

I reported the story as a rumor asking for someone to confirm it. I don't think I was out of line in asking questions. Lord help us if we question the actions of the school's administration or the police. Obviously, parents are on a need to know basis; death threats must not be important enough for us to need to know.

your local "f'ing tool",



Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad Thanks for keeping us informed..let me be the first to tell them to suck it

Anonymous said...

If I had kids in school, I would want to know this even if it were just a rumor needing investigation. Most of the real news is either in your blog or Barry Green's not the Messenger or the Index. Thanks for not abusing your blog but for using it to keep the community informed.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Denney for sharing the "rumor." After todays update, looks like the mom that went to the BPD got lied to. If I was her I would be furious with BPD! That kind of thing is what all parents and people of the community NEED to know!!

Anonymous said...

BPD gave the story/press release to the Messenger. Be informed before you run your pie hole

Anonymous said...

11:58 irreguardless of who "gave the story," as a parent, if I was lied to by any PD about something this serious...I would STILL be furious! Thanks for the laugh with the pie hole remark. :)
