Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fellow Haters Club

Since I have been told that I "enjoy the hate" when referring to our political leaders, I have decided that I might as well start and join an appropriate club.

If getting angry with a person who lies to me constitutes me being a "hater"; so be it! I know it's okay to feel anger; it's my aggressive behavior that's the problem. Of course, I have exhibited no aggressive behavior since I'm only able to vent my anger by writing. Unless writing is a behavior, then I'm gonna burn.

I do take comfort in knowing I'm not alone in my feelings...

'There are six things the LORD hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
a false witness who pours out lies
and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers
Proverbs 6:16-19


Mango's Madness said...

If you are a Hater, then so am I!!!!
The amount of BS that has been thrown at us is beyond politics. These people in power are so full of hate for us, why are we not allowed to return like kind and quality to them. To HELL with all those lying bastards!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good post, Boston legal.

Kathleen... said...

People shouldn't hate on the Denney. He's got the Mad Cow, you know...

Other than that? The term "hater" is so way of intellect. Blech -- hate that word.

And if you don't speak up and announce when you do not agree with something or are refusing to condone it, stand by it, support it, etc.? You are weak. Or brain dead...;)

Anonymous said...

Count me in the club too then because I pretty well agree with everything you post.

mzchief said...

To Denney Crane...
You, sir, are no hater.
Just because you are willing to throw down with anyone and bow down to no one, when it comes to discussing your principles, does not make you a hater.

Haters are their own unique brand of jerks. Typically, haters are people who, for no reason other than a shallow excuse which they have embraced, hate someone/something about which they know little or nothing. Typically, their hatred is based on nothing more than bias engendered by their own narrow world view.

When the haters hate YOU there is no doubt YOU are doing something right.

Keep up the good work, Mr. Crane. Yep! This is coming from a woman with whom, on several occasions, you have gone toe-to-toe about several topics.

One other big difference between haters and you, haters hate people with opinions that differ from theirs, unlike you who, me as proof, may, vehemently, disagree with someone but not only do you not hate them but can, on occasions, find common ground.