Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 9/11

I remember the shock I experienced as I watched the World Trade Center burn. Total disbelief consumed me when I saw the second plane fly into the other building, live on TV. I will never get those pictures out of my mind. A new fear of insecurity swept over me. The minutes seemed like hours; time slowed to a crawl.

I will never forget the anger I felt when they announced a terrorist named Osama Bin Laden and his radical group Al Qaeda took credit for the devastation. The enemy had shown its face; religious extremists hell bent on Jihad and the death of American infidels.

The days and weeks to follow brought Americans together. Heros emerged from the masses; sacrificing their lives to save innocent others. In God We Trust took on a renewed reverence.

Despite the fear, pain, panic and confusion, I experienced pride in my fellow Americans. Hope surged through my soul as we came together for just a moment in time for a common purpose.

Reflecting on that time, it seems so very far away; so long past. It is my prayer that the division which strangles our country would be put on hold, for just this day. In memory of those who died and in honor of the great American spirit, I tender my condolence, gratitude and respect; engraved in my heart forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Said....