Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Video of the Month!

It's hard for me to say I'm sorry


Obama supporter said...

No one wants to listen. I guess the conservative way is to yell so no one can answer a question. Childish as usually and always thinking of themselves first. This bill is for the betterment of our nation which has been rolling in the sewer for the last 8 years. Give the bill and our president a chance. Think of the people who need and can't afford health care. This will benefit them.

Denney Crane said...

Obama supporter,

Please tell me why we should believe anything a politician tells us? Republican or Democrat!

Have you read the bill?

Why have you forgotten the liberal way of "thinking of themselves first? Do I need to remind you of the behavior of Code Pink, ActUp, MoveOn, ANSWER or ACORN?

Maybe you've been rolling in the sewer the last 8 years, but America and the American worker prospered until the Democrat controlled Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac brought the world to their knees... By the way, I can prove this!

I think of the people who need health care and can't afford it, and then I remember the choices many made in school and after school... they didn't care about getting an eduction, got pregnant, got on dope, pissed off their lives... I have very little sympathy for them, other than a select few of the handicapped.

The armed services was an excellent alternate opportunity for those unprepared to work or the uneducated, they would have your government run healthcare there.

Ask any illegal alien if they get better health care in America without insurance than they do in Mexico... they will tell you... I live down here with them. Several are my friends.

Why should the majority of Americans be penalized just to include the uninsured?

Why can't the government reform healthcare without taxing everyone?

We are already paying the world's bills as it is...

Obama supporter said...

Have I read the bill? No. But I trust our great president. All I know is that people are ready for HOPE and CHANGE. And he's doing it.
I've been unable to support my family of 7 because two years ago I step out of my office building and twisted my ankle on the curb. Did I get a 6 figure settlement? Yes. But that money ran out the other day and now, hopefully, I can have health care as soon as our health plan gets passed.

MoveOn and ACORN are just rying to get the American people thinking in the correct way. Give it all time...but these loud conservatives are standing in my way.

Denney Crane said...

I'm sorry about your accident. I didn't create your family of 7 and I shouldn't have to be made to pay for them either. I don't make you responsible for my family and the government shouldn't make me responsible for yours.

I stopped at a family of 4 because I wanted to afford an education for my children... no way I could afford it with more than 2 kids. I have 1 in college now and don't know if I can ever pay his way through his senior year now.

If they don't pass health care reform, there's always Canada.

Anonymous said...

Good answer, Denney! mary

wordkyle said...

Love this version of the video. Great editing.

Anonymous said...

Obama supporter, you lost your argument when you said that you haven't read the bill and earlier you said it was for the betterment of our nation. You can't know this without reading the bill. Also, remember that those who are in power change in the USA. So, you better make sure that you would be comfortable with the bill no matter who is in charge. You will not be able to take this power back if someone else is in charge come the next election. It could very well be someone that you hate.

Read the different proposed bills. I don't think you will like them.


God,Guns,Free Speech said...

Denny , you've got your S**t together
good post

Silicone Alley said...

Obama Supporter...You are a fucking idiot!