Wednesday, August 5, 2009

DNC ad blames GOP for protests

I've seen conservative protesters boo
Republican politicians off the stage!
Just because conservatives lost the
election doesn't mean we lost our voice...
or our right to protest either party.

Senator & racist Barbara Boxer says
the protesters are too well dressed!
They might actually be middle class?

When Rep. Steny Hoyer wants to explain the facts to this registered Democrat, he's called out...told his facts were lies!!! The horror: a lying politician! Seems they will justify healthcare reform by lying. Although the majority of Americans do not want it, their gonna shove it down our throat. Piss on the people!

Okay, can you think one step ahead of the
administration and predict what will happen
next to sell "healthcare insurance reform"?


LandShark 5150 said...

Just thinking aloud here - do ya think ol'Slick Willy had a 3way on the flight back? Oops, I thought Hilly was supposed to do that kinda thing, the 3way not getting the two girls back.
LandShark Louie

Anonymous said...

Down-play it?
Maybe put it on the back burner, of sorts, and put down the current system while playing the blame game?

What did you have in mind?


Anonymous said...

You're f___ing right, Babs. This IS to change the Congress.

We're fed up and we're going to run your lying a__es out of town on a rail!

Anonymous said...

Lets roll! They want to call names and make lists, throw rocks and intimidate, lie and bamboozle, as GW said. I am totally totally sick of all of the liberal scavengers and we need to UNITE NOW.