Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Captains log: Star date 8.19.09

Today was a good day. Hot, but good. I have no idea why I say that since the only heat I’ve felt so far today is when I got into my car at lunchtime, and of course it was very hot. I’m turning into such a pansy! Madagascar (the movie) is rubbing off…

Yesterday, I asked an office assistant what she thought of my ranting N word blog post. She looked at me with her head tilted down slightly, like she was going to say something critical, and told me that she happened to agree with it. I asked her if in the 6 years she has been working with me, had she ever heard me say the N word. After a 20 second processing break, she said “no, never”. I think I need to say it more often if I’m going to be a successful racist!

I heard that many local executives are so afraid of a sexual harassment law suit that they won’t have a closed door meeting with a fellow female employee without someone else being present. I thought about it for a while and decided to get a webcam and record all meetings in my office. It has a motion detector so it’s automatic. There’s only one problem I’ve found so far. The damn thing films me when I pick my nose or scratch my huevos grandes.

Sometimes I amaze even myself at how full of shit I am. This morning, I asked my assistant if she got a job done yesterday involving delegating a task. She said no. Surprisingly, I didn’t blow up, but I did assertively tell her that if I had to go clean house to get something done, I would; and furthermore, I would blame the whole ordeal on her. That way, our staff would hate her as much as they do me! I don’t understand why she didn’t get the joke…

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