I always heard my Dad talk about the Blue Indigo Snakes (Black Racers or Cow Suckers in KY) he used to know while ranching in the Brackettville/Spofford area before moving to the present ranch in about 1932. He always said, no one bothered them, because they killed and ate rattlesnakes. Of course I thought it was a tall tale, because I never saw one on the present ranch. But while working for the King Ranch down in deep South Texas, I saw several of these snakes. They were big, long and the color of Indigo or Blueing they use to use in dying clothes. Never saw one eat a rattler, but I guess the truth does come out now and then. Enjoy the attached photos. Send to all your friends in South Texas and those who hunt down that way to let them know there are good snakes out there.

Cool pics. I wonder how long it took him to get it all the way down.
I can't believe they can eat rattle snakes and not die from the poisen.
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