Thursday, April 30, 2009

The USS John F. Kennedy

Docking in Malta - IMPRESSIVE!

Have you ever considered how big a U.S. carrier really is?????? (smaller than the RR)

This shot gives a good relationship of its size to something else like buildings, cars etc.

More history and pictures here.


Bogeyman said...

Very impressive

an Donalbane said...

Awesome! Would love to see one like that close up.

The closest I've been to a carrier is a couple of overnighters on the WWII Lex CV-16 in Corpus Christi with my sons' Scout groups.

RPM said...

Wait till you see the JFK approaching your starboard side at 20knots. See how big it looks then!

Propagandist said...

I can't imagine being responsible for parking that thing.

Anonymous said...

I saw the RR docked in San Diego when my bro graduted basic training. The size and capabilities of those things are unimaginable.