- 1. Will cap and trade (hidden energy tax) legislation pass?
2. Will raising the cost of home heating oil, air conditioning and raising the gas price to $4.00 be "celebrated"?
3. What is legislation to combat global warming?
Why would China be buying gold instead of loaning money to the United States? They started buying in 2003, just after Republicans began questioning the financial condition of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. And why would our President loan the International Monetary Fund $100 billion, when they are the third largest holder of gold in the world? BTW, the IMF is part of the United Nations system.
Nine Questions the Left Needs to Answer About Torture Town Hall
Why would the President and Congress demonize Bush over CIA interrogation techniques which they were briefed on more than once?
Is it possible they want to divert attention away from there own
If I were a politician, the last group in the world I would try to intimidate is the CIA. They could destroy the careers of many a politician… and possibly expose criminal activity.

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