Thursday, March 26, 2009

Question of the day

Would you have shot this dog?

The "without provocation" part is not quite accurate. If he wasn't on her property I think there would be less liability. As unpopular as it might be, I would have done the same thing...and I have an agressive dog.

Denney Crane


The Accomplice said...

That dog was charging the deputy. I assume that the deputy did not have a taser, because that is what I would have used.

Anonymous said...

Dude...I usually agree w/ you and I HAVE a Pit Bull...but that was Bullshit, what a Doushe

Anonymous said...

I believe "dousche" has a "c" in it. That being said...Whenever I pull into a rural property I always assume a dog is guarding that area.

Anonymous said...

That dog should not have been shot. The deputy is an idiot. I hope the owner sues his for a lot. Dogs are part of the family. The sheriff should put this guy behind a desk; he doesn't have the courage to work the streets. Jerk!