Friday, March 13, 2009

Maxine Waters, U.S. Representative?

and professed liberal democrat from Massachusetts.

White banks, black banks and her bank!

‘At a hearing on minority lending in 2007, Ms. Waters criticized regulators for not doing enough to help minority banks stave off mergers with non-minority institutions. The lawmaker said she had contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. in 2002 over such concerns and "I was told that there was nothing that could be done."

In her 2007 remarks, Ms. Waters alluded to two banks, Independence Bank of Washington, D.C., and "another bank that was about to be acquired by a major white bank out of Illinois."

In a brief interview in January, Ms. Waters said she was unaware the bank received $12 million of TARP money, which arrived in December. OneUnited was "just a small" bank, she said.’
Wall Street Journal ...She probably doesn't remember the $12,500 that the "small bank" gave her.

The L A Times reported the following:

‘House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) said in an interview Thursday that he advised Waters last fall to "stay out of it" because he knew her husband had served on the bank board.

Frank said Waters was concerned about the plight of minority-owned banks, as was he.

"She acknowledged that 'Sidney had been on the board. I could have a conflict here,' " Frank said. "I said, 'Fine, just stay out of it, I'll deal with it.' " ‘

I thought there were only three colors
in business: red, black and green.

Even her peers tell her to calm down!
I wonder what Barney Frank said to her?

The Honorable Representative, not long ago, threatened to "socialize...take control" of the US oil industry. Now I’m not a big fan of Rush Limbaugh, but in this video , he shows the world what she’s about and how she likes to throw her weight around.

Since I am increasingly being labeled racist, you need to realize that I have been extremely critical of George W. Bush, Barney Frank, John Murtha, William Geithner, Ben Bernanke, Joe Biden, John McCain, Arnold Schwartzenegger, Arne Duncan and Caroline Kennedy; as well as, President Barack Obama, Michael Steele, Roland Burris and now, Maxine Waters. I am extremely critical of anyone, especially politicians that I believe to be corrupt, criminal, immoral, moronic, deceitful, and dishonest. I don't care what color, political affiliation or who their daddy is!

added by Denney Crane

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