Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Wise County Welcomes Pedophiles

If a 4 year old tells you that she has been abused, rest assured there is nothing that anyone in this county will do about it. CPS is very busy and will see you when they have time. They were very understanding but did nothing. County Attorney Greg Lowery’s office was equally helpful. If the child is not bleeding or broken, abuse doesn’t legally exist.

Adding insult to injury, I was present at a trial held by Judge Melton Cude the other day and even though the child’s doctor and therapist repeated what the child said her daddy did to her, Jude Cude still allowed the father visitation rights. The child can tell everyone in the world about it, but it’s hearsay; and he would not allow the testimony. Also, there was not sufficient forensic evidence since you cannot prove a rash is caused by abuse.

I sure wonder how a Judge could sleep nights after sending a little girl back to her alleged abuser. I have seen Judge Cude in his Boy Scout Leader uniform, but after what I witnessed, I wouldn’t let him oversee my dogs, much less my children or grandchildren.

Wise County law favors criminals. 4 year olds don’t have a chance in this county. You can argue legalities all day long, but it won’t keep this little girl from asking her mother why she keeps taking her back to her daddy. I was also disappointed to see the little girl’s attorney get out-lawyered.

Judge Cude stikes me as smart individual; but let’s face it, he dropped the ball on this one. The law may be his forte, but I would prefer someone other than a blithering idiot determining the future of our children. Jude Cude is the highest paid county employee on record. It's time for a replacement. Jeers to what he is making this little girl go through...and yes, it is his fault...his ruling!


annobama said...

If I had my way we could Auction Off who gets to pull the Electrocution lever located on the court house steps for these type of animals.

Denny you do realize all the people you mentioned are leaders in the Wise County Republican Party?

Anonymous said...

I would comment on the subject agreeing with you.
But you don't ever post mine.

Gator said...

Sadly, it's not just Wise County. I have a friend going through a nasty child custody/divorce right now in Tarrant Co. Her daughter just turned 4 last week. The girls' play therapist, her doctor's and a court appointed therapist all said the girl was abused by her father and the courts did nothing...CPS did nothing...the police did nothing. My friend had to send her daughter back into the hands of a man that touched her in places he shouldn't have then got his rocks off by doing so. He's a sick bastard.

This sweet little girl has been robbed of her innocence from a man that should love and protect her at whatever costs. She has told me things that make me shiver just thinking about them. I have repoorted what she said to the "authorities" if you can call them that and they all pass the buck and say their hands are tied. Believe me when I say that these aren't things she could have possibly imagined, made up, seen on TV, or could have been coached into saying. It's a very sad and horrible situation. Her father was abusive to my friend, raping her many times even after they separated and the police did nothing with that either. He's a sick MF that needs to be shot. With his abusive history, I'm afraid one day he'll cross the wrong kind of woman and he'll find his ass in a bind looking down the barrel of a .38. The world would be a better place for it, too.

LandShark 5150 said...

Good call!!

Denney Crane said...

From what I see, there is nothing conservative about our local goverment... if you don't believe me, just look at your property taxes!

Anonymous said...

There has to be more to the story then what you have posted. Judge Cude is an excellent judge and a very good man. In no way would he put that little girl in danger, there has to be more to this story, and why would a child abuse case be going to the county attorney's office?

abbienormyl said...

"Daddy" needs to go to prison where his cell mate can give him a rash of his own...FREAK!!!

RPM said...

I agree "Daddy" needs some time alone with "special friends".

Judge Cude was most likely making the only decision the law would allow him. I know him and he is a decent man that gets put into bad positions.

Anonymous said...

Look at thefirebombing.blogspot.com and see what Wise County has on the payroll.