Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Cartoons, not funnies...

Cartoons by Michael Ramirez


LandShark 5150 said...

painful- funny- but painful

Anonymous said...

I agree funny but not so funny. Why do people, who did not go goofy with their credit line, get to pay for the idiots who went out and bought crap that was not in their price range! No one bales my ass(ets) out! And as for keeping up with the competition, we will never be able to compete when we have regulations (and not to mention those nasty little union contracts). But of course we don't require our CEO's to commit Harry Carry when oh say... they find lead paint in baby toys! go figure.. might be an interesting fine print in their contract... we will pay you 100 million a year with pension but screw it up one time and ....