Sunday, October 19, 2008

Will Liberals and the ACLU create a new National Holiday?

Protest International Boylove Day

Yea, well things in America have changed drastically in the recent past. I remember back in the day when gay individuals were treated like smokers are today... Same sex marriage, animal rights over human rights, global warming over global starvation and global genocide...this is the new America. The one that will raise hell over a splinter and ignore a log.

Don't think NAMBLA and their civil rights aren't gonna slip into American Mainstream Society soon. The ACLU has already started defending their rights!

In some countries, the age of sexual consent with an adult is 12! Does anyone other than these guys and girls really believe that a 12 year old can make a rational adult choice concerning sexual consent and behavior? Pedophiles already terrorize children of third world countries and thrive in countries like Cambodia and Holland. Doesn't it make you proud to live in a country that will defend Nambla at no charge and put a guy who fights dogs in prison! Sorry, I didn't mean to get started on that...

Don't take my word for it! Check out their many websites... some are easy to access, some aren't so easy. The first thing that comes to my mind is a good, old-fashioned arse whippin, followed by castration and a lobotomy...all in the name of rehabilitation. Mercy and forgiveness is available from God through Jesus Christ, not me!

Denney Crane

1 comment:

Kathleen... said...

Where'd the video go? I saw the rappin' on SNL Sat. night. Palin's pretty cool...she carried off her guest performance w/panache. I was SO disappointed that there wasn't a George W-meets-Sarah-segement though!