Monday, October 20, 2008

Now for the News...

In an email I received: (I did not snope it!)

"This tiny deer was delivered by Caesarean section at a wildlife hospital after his mother was killed by a car. Little Rupert, who is so small he can fit in an adult's hand, was born after vets failed in their battle to save his mother. At just six inches tall and weighing just over a pound, he is now in an incubator in the intensive care unit at Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital in Buckinghamshire. He has only recently opened his eyes.

Les Stocker, founder of Tiggywinkles, said: Rupert's mother had very severe injuries. We brought him out and got him breathing and then he went into an incubator on oxygen. He is now being fed by a tube. Staff are optimistic Rupert, now five days old, will make a full recovery. Deer are very, very tricky but this one has spirit. He's extremely feisty little guy and quite pushy, Mr Stocker said."

I have just learned the damn deer died...what a pisser! I wanted to eat that deer too...

Wise County Election Ballot Check out the new college tax on page two.

I thought we get to vote on it? The aquisition of such a prestiguous acedemic institution should never be left up to voters and taxpayers, don't you agree? Just think, they've been renting classrooms for 20 years and now our government will provide them, how sweet.

Choose to help fund the county's future! OMG... I missed the memo from all these groups that that our civic leaders have spoken! Our students have spoken also... I'm so glad they didn't have to take a math or reading test! The future of our county rests
in your hands...what's another $25 million or so? Can we get 2 of them? Do you think they will give free classes on ballot reading?

Now, for more serious news!

Toledo Moves To Shut Down Joe the Plumber God Bless America!
That will teach people not to mess with a powerful policitian in public!

Taliban Kill 30 Afghans After Stopping Bus I forgot, are we still the bad guys?

Idaho Mother Gets 10-Year Sentence After Boyfriend Impregnates 9-Year-Old Daughter Bet you didn't really want to see this...

The Civil Liberties vs. Security Conundrum
For discerning thinkers only.

Police arrest Mich. man for car wash vacuum sex Okay, what charges will stick?

California Town Bans Tsunamis! Who would have thought it???

Vatican Sued for 'Acts of God' Where is tort reform when you need it?

I think we need a little humor on Mondays so watch for some good stuff throughout the day. For those of you who can't take a joke, bless you!

Denney Crane


Silicone Alley said...

That baby deer died.

Anonymous said...

Busted @6:45 am on your first date with the local car wash vacuum.....that really sucks!