Monday, August 11, 2014

Monday afternoon nap...

After pondering the news that Russian hackers stole 1.2 Billion username/password combinations and 500 million email addresses, I have come to the conclusion that this one’s a pretty big deal. As technology advances, innovation increases and automation progresses, isn’t it logical that all you need to do to destroy an economy, control the infrastructure (e.g. electricity) or embezzle gazillions of dollars is to break into the system that operates it?  
It’s not a matter of if my password to a website will be stolen, but a question of when will it will happen.
I just read where the U.S. Postal Service lost $2 Billon last quarter. Who else can lose 2 billion in 3 months and get away with it? After information like that, how can anyone believe Obamacare will be a success? Just keep smokin that weed and drinkin that koolaide…
The President has indicated that bombing in Iraq could go on for months??? Well, is the war in Iraq over or is this just what is considered a conflict? Or maybe he didn’t want Russia and Israel to get all the warmonger press…
On a lighter note, would someone please tell me what’s gonna happen when the NCAA starts allowing colleges to pay athletes? Will this be the beginning of the end of “for the love of the game”?

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