Wednesday, April 10, 2013

School tells 7 year old: Americans Don’t Have The Right To Bear Arms

The father of a Connecticut child is furious after discovering that his son’s school is teaching students that Americans don’t have a Second Amendment right to bear arms. 
“I am appalled,” said Steven Boibeaux, of Bristol. “It sounds to me like they are trying to indoctrinate our kids.” Boibeaux’s son is an eighth grader at Northeast Middle School. 
On Monday his social studies teacher gave students a worksheet titled, ‘The Second Amendment Today.’ “The courts have consistently determined that the Second Amendment does not ensure each individual the right to bear arms,” the worksheet states. 
“The courts have never found a law regulating the private ownership of weapons unconstitutional. The worksheet, published by Instructional Fair, goes on to say that the Second Amendment is not incorporated against the states.  Fox News


Rex Kramer said...

You are giving the average public shool teacher too much credit if you think they have the ability to indoctrinate anyone.

At least the dad is checking out his kids homework, but I don't understand the point of going to Foxnews with it. I would think a school board meeting would be a more appropriate first stop

Anonymous said...

Our current administration actually wants civil war. Against who? Anybody who doesn't toe the liberal line, but especially white, southern, Christians.

The question is, will Obama get the war he so desperately wants? It is no longer a matter of "making it" four more years and voting him out. It's a matter of survival that must be dealt with now.

Obama and his cronies must be arrested and this illegal administration shut down. Stockpile weapons and food. Connect with like-minded individuals -- make friendships based on faith in God that will strengthen our numbers. Speak truth to power. Stop trying to convince liberals of the error of their ways. If they won't take your offer of eternal life, they sure won't stop killing babies.

Cut liberals out of your life wherever possible. Go to church. Pray with your family. Sharpen your knives. Lock and load.

Anonymous said...


How can you breathe with your head buried so far up your butt?

If I hear one more know-it-all use the words "more appropriate" one more time, I will suggest the more appropriate action be to hunt that person down and beat some common sense into them.

Of course our teachers indoctrinate our children! School boards laugh at and denigrate parents behind closed doors. How do I know? How do you think I know?

Plus, you think going to FoxNews is going to somehow get some justice? I am surrounded by zombies and putzes. Which are you?

∞ ≠ ø said...

Hmmmmmm, pretty bright 7 year old. Ya know... studying the Constitution in 8th grade and all.

When I was 7, I was too busy shooting my "Red Rider" to worry about my 2nd amendment rights;)

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know about Rex, but after taking a good, long look at all the info on the Sandy Hook shooting, my (worthless) opinion is that it was all a staged incident. It's a made-up deal. Maybe the Aurora shooting too.

It's a bit of a shock, but when you get used to the idea, all the pieces fit.

Tyranny is here. Today. Our country is lost.

Anonymous said...

Why can't you all see the big picture? Not ever see the little picture. You need to grow your own food, raise your chickens and rabbits, There's no more money, not even for you'll with jobs in the tech sector, no wheree!

Anonymous said...

∞ ≠ ø,

Follow the link. Read for yourself. Maybe infinity does indeed equal null set.