Friday, February 22, 2013

Quote of the week!

“Here we are with a debt of $16 trillion and the argument today is if we cut a penny-and-a-half on non-defense spending in one year it's the end of the world. If so, we are hopelessly in debt and we're going to end up like Greece.”
Charles Krauthammer
~ ~ ~

If this president is unable to cut his budget 2%, he is truly inept and a miserable failure. 
Almost every household in America is taking a bigger hit than this and will manage! Almost every small business in America is suffering much more than 2% in less revenue, increased taxes, inflation and healthcare. 
This President doesn't want to do his part and cut spending 2 cents on the dollar? Not only that, but use fear and threaten to release criminals from prison and stop inspecting our food if Congress demands the budget cuts stay in place. 
Oh great leader, we're broke! Stop the insanity, please!  It's not your money, it's not even ours any more...

1 comment:

mzchief said...

Yet again, Obama proves to have the character and integrity of a self-absorbed, self-important irresponsible teenager attempting to manipulate anyone and everyone in the pursuit of getting his way.

Yes, elections have consequences and the American people have the government they deserve. Republicans don't show up to vote for THEIR candidate because he's not their "ideal" candidate, Moderates don't vote because neither candidate represents a moderate view. However, rabid liberals and citizens hoping to suckle more from the US gov. dole come out in droves to vote for their messiah because he promises to give them everything they want.

As for me. I voted for Romney because he seemed like a truly decent person and wasn't Obama. I realize that's not much of an endorsement because I like my Fed-Ex delivery guy, who's a decent person and not Obama, and someone I would've voted for merely to vote against Obama.

The US election system is broken due to it's belief that pandering to one extreme or the other will render a superior result when in truth, extremes are bad for everyone.

When Republicans, wise-up and get religion out of their politics there will be no reason for moderates to refuse to vote Republican. As long as Republicans believe they have the right to dictate what goes on in other people's personal lives, Libertarians and moderates, as well as Kennedy Democrats, (you know the "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country..." Democrats) will continue to shun the Republican party. It's all well and good for an individual to be "Conservative" but they don't have the right to inflict their "Conservative" personal views on others. The long ago saviour of the Republican Party, Ronald Reagan, wasn't a religious person he was merely a righteous man who believed everyone had the right to walk their own path, unencumbered by government, just as he walked his own path. Romney was the closest thing to Ronald Reagan the Republicans will see, ever again, and they turned their backs on him when it came time to vote. Obama is POTUS due, in large part, to Republicans.