their freedoms to government...
This is how to create a food shortage. Government creates a problem and guess who suffers? Will big brother be our savior and fix it or just hand out food rations, like once upon a time in America?
Court Says Gay Rights Trump Religious Rights
Do you remember when American free enterprise included the right to refuse service to anyone?
Man Beaten for Removing Campaign Signs
From His Own Property
This is what our community organizer in chief has called for... aggressive resistance to any values not in line with the liberal, socialist agenda; regardless of your rights. The list of atrocities will only multiply with the freedoms they confiscate, just as when the Nazi party gained power in Germany.
Some years ago, I had a heated discussion with an ATF agent over the future of the country. My position was that the most important thing to preserve in America is the freedom the country was based on. The agent disagreed with me, but he wouldn't say why. Another G-man drowning in progressive propaganda. BTW, he was not a Texan by birth. Is that important? Damn right it is.
By gawd but this is depressing.
Well honey, you just go on and get depressed while the country continues to slid into 3rd world status. Are you ready for what they have in store for us?
The right of business owners to pick and choose their clietele died a long time ago.
The word discrimation comes out and it is game over.
Fringe groups coalesce, hold a few rallies, and all of a sudden they are a suspect class who are only trying to fight for their "equal" rights.
The ATF is the special needs child of federal law enforcement. It needs watching, closely.
Hell yeah I'm ready for it. We've had the hope now its time for the change!
It's taken this long to shake the B.S. Bush left us with.
It's time for democrats and minorities to take matter what it takes.
We are tired of getting stepped on!!
We are all tired of getting stepped on by trolls, that's for sure!
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