Ohh, now that's a clever comment. I suddenly feel like I'm in Barry Green's blog and being lectured by some know-it-all atheist teenager. Well, sometimes it takes a lifetime to see the light. Let's hope the poor lost soul will find his way home.
I've learned that atheism is a stage some people go through in the maturity process. Once they've argued themselves into a hole for a few years the obvious becomes, well, obvious.
For those of you who profess a belief in god, do you believe these things to be true?
Is god omnipotent/all powerful, there is nothing that god cannot do, turn back time, make time go forward; make time speed up, make time stop, bring the dead back to life, heal the sick, prevent death, prevent sickness, make flower bloom, make rivers run backwards, anything he or she wants to do at anytime?
Is god all knowing, there is nothing that god does not know, he or she knows what you will do, what you have done, and are doing in every situation, every decision made by anyone every where at any time past, present, or future. Any event any where from the falling of a leaf to the death of an amoeba, to the decay of an atom, god knows about it?
Does god have a plan for everyone and everyone, absolutely every one, or thing from every person to every plant, animal, and atom in existence is part of that plan?
Do you believe that god has a reason for every event good, bad, or indifferent, no matter how small or large in gods plan, even if you don’t understand it?
OK, get this: some atheist leaves the following as a method to get believers to change their minds. Which is pretty low when you think about -- attacking someone's basic beliefs & faith in life. Why would a decent human being attack a person's faith? Anyway, I'll participate in this person's exercise. Here we go.
For those of you who profess a belief in god, do you believe these things to be true? Yes.
Is god omnipotent/all powerful, there is nothing that god cannot do, turn back time, make time go forward; make time speed up, make time stop, bring the dead back to life, heal the sick, prevent death, prevent sickness, make flower bloom, make rivers run backwards, anything he or she wants to do at anytime? Yes.
Is god all knowing, there is nothing that god does not know, he or she knows what you will do, what you have done, and are doing in every situation, every decision made by anyone every where at any time past, present, or future. Any event any where from the falling of a leaf to the death of an amoeba, to the decay of an atom, god knows about it? Yes.
Does god have a plan for everyone and everyone, absolutely every one, or thing from every person to every plant, animal, and atom in existence is part of that plan? Yes.
Do you believe that god has a reason for every event good, bad, or indifferent, no matter how small or large in gods plan, even if you don’t understand it? Yes.
6:39 God gave us free will. If he controlled our lives, then it would not be free will, would it? You have to willingly come to Him to recieve His grace. If He controlled you, it would not be your choice.
Yes I do believe that the holocaust and Adolf Hitler was evil. The question is how can you? How can the holocaust be evil when it's part of gods plan? God knew it would happen it was part of his plan. God could have stopped it and didn't, free will doesn't explain it as there can be no free will when you are part of gods plan, and the holocaust was gods plan as everything is part of gods plan. The devil doesn't explain it as the devil is part of gods plan, being all powerful god could have stopped the devil as god is all powerful. Why would you worship some one who caused the holocaust? Maybe god just hates jews, and poles, and russians, and gays, and the mentally impaired. It's OK though cause god loves you.
You know, I was prepared for your snappy retort that my logic was flawed. So let me tell you, I don't presume to know the mind of God, why He does what He does and so forth. However, neither do you. You see, your rules of logic are flawed because you're thinking like a man. Some answers are beyond us and that's where faith comes in.
Let me ask you a question: why are you and others like you so set on destroying the faith of men and women around you? What a cruel course for a man to take to whittle away at that which gives stability and reason to another man. Simply because you think you're right about the nonexistence of God. Even the logic of man admits there is no man-sought solution to the question.
Why drives you? What makes you rise in the morning? Some kind of faith, or fear, or even love? Why should I not attack your reason for living in kind?
I realize that you believe the world would be a better place without belief in God. I suggest that if no one believed in God, the world would be a far more miserable place.
What gets me up in the morning? usually the dogs, the wife hates to walk the beagles. What drives me? That is a very good question. Not faith nor fear, the voracious quest for knowledge is what drives me, everyday there is something new to learn, experience, or observe, some new piece of knowledge or information some new part of the puzzle some new question. Some new way of seeing how things fit together in the whole to arrive at an answer as to how the world works. It started the day my parents bought me my first microscope when I was six. I bound out of bed every day knowing there is something new out there that I haven't discovered yet. I sleep soundly knowing the next day will bring something else new. Twelve years of catholic school didn't beat that out of me. Four more years at a catholic university taught me to think in new ways as well.
You see I have this silly aversion to blind faith. You see blind faith is what leads to the troubles of the world, not thought out faith. Blind faith is the mark of a weak mind, you don't presume to know the mind of god? why not? didn't god give you a brain? did god not give you the power to reason? did god not give you the power to question? Did you actually read the questions? understanding of gods plan is not necessary, the question was do you believe god has a plan. You cannot have free will if you agree with all of the previous posits. No matter your choice it is part of gods plan as god is all knowing all power full and has a plan which you are part of, therefore you have have no choice. You assume that my previous comments came from an atheist. That little quiz was actually was on my fundamentals of logic final exam. Which was written by Fr. Phil as St. Francis Solanus. I like throwing that one out there to watch the fish flop for an answer and everybody always says free will. Your answer by the way would have garnered you an F from father phil. I have no aversion to faith, there is nothing wrong with faith or even a belief in god, provided you arrive at it through reason and knowledge. Not because some one says you should, if you do that it doesn't make you pious it make you an idiot.
The other thing I've discovered is that no atheist can present any idea or argument be it philosophical, or anthropic that hasn't been beat into the ground. And until the atheist studies the new testament you can't even debate each other. That's why when the idolized hitchens would present "if there is a God, why do bad things happen to good people" question, Christians begin rolling our eyes.
You're missing the point. Humans are human. God knows bad things are going to happen. Faith allows you to see that. Atheists, primarily scientists, who figure out that there is something bigger than even our universe, find solace and peace in knowing that death is life and this earthly life is the worst it will ever be. Don't ask me to "think about it".
It's already been thought about. I've asked the questions of why other galaxies are red-shifted, I've asked why macro and micro evolution occurs, I've asked how we can see stars that have burned out millions of years ago, I've asked why we have definitive answers how the universe was created.
I've asked all of these as an atheist and a Christian. And there's no doubt we are designed intelligently and not by chance.
6:51 gives the perfect atheists answer. A sarcastic answer that skirts the question.
Here's another classic atheist answer...
When asked if wine is what you look forward to in life. " I'm a scotch man"
What answers you do get from atheists ate very shallow such as what you'be been reading. It's easy to be lazy and not look deep. To be superficial and shiftless is easier than working for answers.
But we get to the root of this man's problem. He got his hiney spanked in catholic school. He holds a grudge as if catholicism tried to teach him what's right and wrong....but the fact is he grew up....I.to a man to make his own decisions, not from some perverted "father" or some tight cunted nun yet he still cent make decisions on his own. He can't see a god so it must not be there. Besides, those mean Catholics spanked his hiney. They have to be wrong. For what its worth, Jesus told us that there would be unbelievers. He warned us that skeptics would exist because worldly pleasures would be more intreguing than having faith in an unseen God. Walk your beagles. Look forward to the new things brought to you every day. And continue to find pleasure in worldly things. And keep looking through your microscope. Look through your telescope as well. Listen to hawkings voicebox and when he says "it seems we may get something from nothing", listen to the other cosmologists gasping in the background. It is an idea that leads us one step closer to an answer we will never find out. "How did he do it?" Let the bad catholic school situation go. Keep looking into your microscope....and soon you will see chance had nothing to do with it.
Well, pal, I've made F's before, so it certainly isn't the first time. You're making an F too, though -- Failure to understand. Catholic school and 4 years in the university hasn't got you very far if you still think people and not God is responsible for all this.
I have advanced degrees as well. I have traveled the globe and fought in wars. I've put up with silly ideas and watched as ignorant men grabbed the reins and forced the rest of us to pull. By the way, there's more than one person here answering your assertions.
I like to believe that I have arrived at my faith through "reason and knowledge" but if it comforts you to call me an idiot, then so be it.
Your so-called test for logic is not valid. As I stated before, you're using man's logic in place of faith to bridge the gap between the known and the unknown. That only works to the extent of man's knowledge -- which will always fall short.
On a personal note, so, I gather that because you have no "faith" your reason for living is... the quest for knowledge? I notice you didn't say truth. Hmm, that's interesting.
I might suggest that the mind of the atheist is limited in its imagination and what it can achieve because it insists on "knowing" prior to action.
To the guy who is railing against faith, have you not looked at the new breakthroughs in particle physics and cosmology? You say you're driven by a voracious thirst for knowledge. Much of the new knowledge seems to be leading to a belief in God. You might want to check out theories surrounding the Higgs Field.
As marvelous as the human mind is, I am quite certain it cannot comprehend the totality of the universe and to presume so is the height of hubris. Somewhere, sometime, everybody, even an atheist, takes a leap of faith.
8:06, I completely agree with you. I, too, struggled as a college student with the same questions. When I took a job in the science field every bit of data I learned lead me to, without a doubt, know that there was a cause and a creator.
Denny when do I get a thank you. This is the most comments you have ever had on a post. Granted they're from half wit bible thumpers who can't be bothered to think for them selves, but you still got the traffic.
P.S. for pity sake make sure that you don't post a cartoon they might think they can shoot themselves in the face and all the get is smudged up.
5:47 -- Hi, I'm one of the half-wits and I just wanted to thank you for thinking for me. It's difficult to comment and blog when you're just a half-wit. However, I have found that there is no shortage of people like you out there who are always ready to jump in and straighten us out. Thank God for people like you!
9:01 -- Your comment proves you can get something from nothing.
Great question 9:01. The best scientific answer is that God is not made of matter or energy or any other element known to man. He is outside what we know as our universe. At least that's what the bible told the Jews thousands of years ago. You know, back when technology was very primitive. The odd thing is tissue technology doesn't disprove that. In fact, we now know how the universe began and with every new discovery, the bible makes more and more sense.
Ah yes the bible. A book that is inconsistent and contradictory to its own subject matter, with the content chosen a thousand years after the "fact", by a committee of men that only included the parts they agreed with, who viciously hunted down and destroyed those parts and texts they disagreed with. Who co-opted pagan holidays to suit their needs. Who created an end product that contains wars, racism, animal sacrifice, slavery, infanticide, murder, genocide, rape, adultery, and incest. A book that is used today to justify cruelty and inequality by its believers. Plus if you don't believe what it says you will burn in hell forever, but god loves you. A very low brow piece of fictional literature on par with the lowest pulp material.
9:20, I will not debate someone who is not knowledgeable. Read the bible, study it. When you realize it WAS written and you understand the difference between the old and new testament. We will be able to discuss. Until then, God bless.
9:20 -- From your sarcastic statement above, I see that you really do not know what you are talking about. That's okay. We all had to start somewhere. The Bible is a profound work of art describing the human condition and offering the only true method of salvation. Of course, you've got to believe in an everlasting soul and it sounds as if you have problems with that. If you would do a little research, you'll see that the communists and the national socialists committed the lion's share of killing in the 20th century. I only bring this up to point out the fact that godless politics kill more folks than god-ful politics.
Justify cruelty and inequality? Have you even read the sermon on the mount? While there are a good number of admonishments against reckless personal behavior, you fail to see the good sense and I can only presume you have fallen victim to the ongoing progressive propaganda campaign. I can also add that while we no longer punish adulterers or deviant sexual offenders, I see no reason to congratulate these folks on their choice of behaviors. The Bible is clear -- these folks do not contribute to a sane and stable society.
Holidays were co-opted, it's true, but not by the devout. The politicians of the time did it. But for that matter, so what? Many religions and social systems have done the same thing throughout the centuries.
The Bible also contains descriptions of wars, racism (well, if you say so), animal sacrifice, slavery, infanticide, murder, genocide, rape, adultery, and incest. You can see the same thing on television except television does not comment on the immorality of such actions, as does the Bible.
The Bible is an instruction book that is sorely needed in the world today. If you don't care for what the Bible has to say, try the Koran -- you may return to the Bible with a new perspective.
I'd like to add that the civilized people who first settled our nation were fleeing Europe from religious persecution. I wonder if it delights you to know you are carrying on a long tradition of persecuting Christians? And again, I wonder what sort of person it takes to attempt to destroy the faith of another person?
I don't just persecute christians, I persecute all superstitious religions equally. It's just that I haven't seen any posts by the other religions on this board. That leaves just you.
You didn't answer the question do you believe everything in the bible or not? IF it's an instruction book which instructions do you choose to follow and why? Is it because you agree with them or because you're scared of what the afterlife may bring. Just like a five year old. If you don't do what daddy says you get a cosmic spanking. If you don't believe parts, what parts, and why? Because you disagree with them? Don't like them. Do you find those parts outdated and obsolete in today's society? Who are you to decide what's obsolete and outdated,it's gods word remember. If it's not why bother with reading it at all, it's just some book a committee wrote.
I guess we can string this out a little further, but I must admit your nasty attitude is beginning to put me off. Did you arrive at your conclusions all on your own? Or did you have help? I ask because you seem so sure of yourself, just as sure as many devout Christians I've met. Good, decent, intelligent, and by and large, honest people.
Let me take your post a point at a time:
*I don't just persecute christians, I persecute all superstitious religions equally. It's just that I haven't seen any posts by the other religions on this board. That leaves just you.
You don't know me. You don't know what I am. But yes, you are actively involved in religious persecution. Congratulations.
*You didn't answer the question do you believe everything in the bible or not? IF it's an instruction book which instructions do you choose to follow and why? Is it because you agree with them or because you're scared of what the afterlife may bring. Just like a five year old. If you don't do what daddy says you get a cosmic spanking. If you don't believe parts, what parts, and why? Because you disagree with them? Don't like them. Do you find those parts outdated and obsolete in today's society? Who are you to decide what's obsolete and outdated,it's gods word remember. If it's not why bother with reading it at all, it's just some book a committee wrote.
I don't have to answer questions from you or anybody else when they are put to me in such a confrontational fashion. Why don't you calm down and say what's really on your mind? Why so much animosity, so much bitterness? Have a rough upbringing? Looking for a sense of purpose? Or, maybe you're one of those equality seekers forever trying to change nature into something that conforms better with your own thinking? In any case, the good news is there is relief available to whomever asks for it, whether you believe it or not. I know you didn't ask for it, but because you were so rude, here's a little advice: Don't be such a hater.
Your questions indicate you lack knowledge of the Bible. Maybe a good Bible study program would help?
You don't have to answer yet you continue to post responses.
Hate you? I don't hate you, I don't even know you. I might even like you if I did. I like to hunt and fish. I have dual degrees one in biology and one in chemistry. I own beagles, how about you? I have a number of religious friends some catholic, some lutheran, a high number of baptists (that happens in rural Missouri), we have wonderfully complex chats. I don't change their mind, and they don't change mine.
However, given your continued responses I must have really struck a nerve. Ask yourself this, if all it takes is an anonymous poster on an obscure website comment board to put a pin prick in your balloon of faith, how much faith do you really have?
I've suggested this once and I'll suggest it again. I'll do it without haste or frustration because I'm guilty of assuming everyone was brought up reading the bible.
The old testament was early law for primitive man. It lasted many years. It's fun to study, especially the bloody leviticus, but God made it clear that we do not follow the old law. However, even in genesis, the "master plan" was prophesied. Mathew begins the new law after Jesus was crucified and resurrected. If a person was to just pick up the new testament he would find that faith and love govern those who follow him. Unfortunately, we are all human and fall short. But even if a person did not believe in a God or that Jesus ever walked on earth and they lived according to the "fake" example that some mythical creature named Jesus lived, you would see that person strive to live a very moral life, giving to the poor, and taking care of the less fortunate. You see this very things from Christian churches everyday. It just doesn't make your 10 oclock news. Unfortunately, ignorant people will lump extreme Muslims, fake healers trying to scam the elderly, and other idiots out there together with Christians...all being labeled "religion". I can totally see how someone who did not grow up in the church can't see what the Christian lifestyle represents. I don't blame any intelligent person for questioning religion. But I despise the person who puts Christianity down without studying it and would rather stand up for worldly things.
*You don't have to answer yet you continue to post responses.
You have a nasty attitude. Like you, I am free to answer as I wish. You trying to shout me down?
*Hate you? I don't hate you, I don't even know you.
I told you so already. But you are a hater. You persecute that which you don't understand. That makes you xenophobic as well. Man, you're all screwed up!
*I might even like you if I did.
No doubt about it. You know why? Because I carry the good news.
*I like to hunt and fish.
Hmm. Very manly.
*I have dual degrees one in biology and one in chemistry.
Wow! You must be smart!
* I own beagles, how about you?
Don't care for beagles myself.
*I have a number of religious friends some catholic, some lutheran, a high number of baptists (that happens in rural Missouri), we have wonderfully complex chats.
I'll bet you do.
*I don't change their mind, and they don't change mine.
Sounds great. Can we come over and hang out?
*However, given your continued responses I must have really struck a nerve.
Ah, so you are looking to run me (us) off? Therefore, in your eyes, argument won, cosmological riddle solved -- all thanks to you and the potent knowledge you bring to the blog? Don't give yourself so much credit, there, cowboy. You've made a number of excited statements about the Bible and demanded answers like a starving acolyte. I think folks here have been extremely tolerant with you, especially considering your full-on admission of intended persecution.
*Ask yourself this, if all it takes is an anonymous poster on an obscure website comment board to put a pin prick in your balloon of faith, how much faith do you really have?
You assume you have somehow reduced my faith? Hold on... sorry, I had to go back and read to see exactly when and where you went off course. It was way back there. No, the fact is, I think I've gotten under your skin. I mean, it's plain to see -- you just won't let things go. I'm kidding, actually. I just said that because you said it first. I'm only five, remember? What do you expect?
Hey atheist guy. You give yourself way too much credit. I doubt if you've shaken anyone's faith on this board so maybe quit slapping yourself on the back.
Like a moth you continue to dance around the flame.
It really is a simple question.
Do you or do you not believe the bible? Do you believe it all or just parts? If you only believe parts how do you decide which parts? Just the parts you agree with? Why do you agree with only certain parts. You're the ones who claim it's the word of god.
To the author of 5:31 -- Like a moth? How eloquent. Unfortunately, you have built your fire in the jaws of the dragon. You, sir, are very much like the attention-seeking fool who enters a party and goes from person to person asking each to pull his finger. Of course, no one fulfills his request because they already know the joke and they wish to avoid a rude sound and the accompanying stink.
Go pedal your faithless drivel somewhere else. Work to unite, not divide.
7:49 -- Naw, I'll just color you stupid and obstinate. Look at all the posts answering you and yet you still make demands. Talk about making a fool of yourself.
Oh well, I'm sure there's a reason for your life although I'm fairly certain it is NOT as an advocate for atheism. Focused prayer could help you find that reason.
Answer some questions for the believers here. Are you a communist/socialist? Are you gay? Big on equal rights? Beagle owner? Unable to read? A simple yes or no on each would be great but I'm sure we'd be amused to see you take the apologists' role and expand your answers.
This is not a timed exercise, so take all weekend if you like.
I wonder are you folks getting frustrated yet? Usually about this far into this folks get kind of pissy. The funniest part about this is that I stopped reading the posts about 20 or so back. I just check in to see if the number of posts have changed. Since I have had enough of these discussions to know how you're going to answer, so I just used canned responses. I am just posting to see how high I can get the number. I bet I can make it climb to plus fifty. Have you started with the ad hominem attacks? Am I a communist yet? How about liberal? or gay? Are you praying for my lost soul? I wonder how much longer you will continue to respond, based upon past history I bet you can't stop yourselves. I will check back in a couple of days.
The church is speaking. Is anybody listening?
Only the weak minded
Ohh, now that's a clever comment. I suddenly feel like I'm in Barry Green's blog and being lectured by some know-it-all atheist teenager. Well, sometimes it takes a lifetime to see the light. Let's hope the poor lost soul will find his way home.
Atheist yes however I don't believe 58 counts as teenage.
I've learned that atheism is a stage some people go through in the maturity process. Once they've argued themselves into a hole for a few years the obvious becomes, well, obvious.
Yes, I remember when I was 58. I thought I was pretty smart too.
Which is god doesn't exist, obviously.
For those of you who profess a belief in god, do you believe these things to be true?
Is god omnipotent/all powerful, there is nothing that god cannot do, turn back time, make time go forward; make time speed up, make time stop, bring the dead back to life, heal the sick, prevent death, prevent sickness, make flower bloom, make rivers run backwards, anything he or she wants to do at anytime?
Is god all knowing, there is nothing that god does not know, he or she knows what you will do, what you have done, and are doing in every situation, every decision made by anyone every where at any time past, present, or future. Any event any where from the falling of a leaf to the death of an amoeba, to the decay of an atom, god knows about it?
Does god have a plan for everyone and everyone, absolutely every one, or thing from every person to every plant, animal, and atom in existence is part of that plan?
Do you believe that god has a reason for every event good, bad, or indifferent, no matter how small or large in gods plan, even if you don’t understand it?
Were Adolf Hitler and the holocaust evil?
Did you say yes?
Think about it.
OK, get this: some atheist leaves the following as a method to get believers to change their minds. Which is pretty low when you think about -- attacking someone's basic beliefs & faith in life. Why would a decent human being attack a person's faith? Anyway, I'll participate in this person's exercise. Here we go.
For those of you who profess a belief in god, do you believe these things to be true? Yes.
Is god omnipotent/all powerful, there is nothing that god cannot do, turn back time, make time go forward; make time speed up, make time stop, bring the dead back to life, heal the sick, prevent death, prevent sickness, make flower bloom, make rivers run backwards, anything he or she wants to do at anytime? Yes.
Is god all knowing, there is nothing that god does not know, he or she knows what you will do, what you have done, and are doing in every situation, every decision made by anyone every where at any time past, present, or future. Any event any where from the falling of a leaf to the death of an amoeba, to the decay of an atom, god knows about it? Yes.
Does god have a plan for everyone and everyone, absolutely every one, or thing from every person to every plant, animal, and atom in existence is part of that plan? Yes.
Do you believe that god has a reason for every event good, bad, or indifferent, no matter how small or large in gods plan, even if you don’t understand it? Yes.
Were Adolf Hitler and the holocaust evil? Yes.
Did you say yes? Yes.
Think about it. I have.
That's my answer. What's yours?
God gave us free will. If he controlled our lives, then it would not be free will, would it? You have to willingly come to Him to recieve His grace. If He controlled you, it would not be your choice.
Think about that.
Then you just flunked fundamental logic.
Yes I do believe that the holocaust and Adolf Hitler was evil. The question is how can you? How can the holocaust be evil when it's part of gods plan? God knew it would happen it was part of his plan. God could have stopped it and didn't, free will doesn't explain it as there can be no free will when you are part of gods plan, and the holocaust was gods plan as everything is part of gods plan. The devil doesn't explain it as the devil is part of gods plan, being all powerful god could have stopped the devil as god is all powerful. Why would you worship some one who caused the holocaust? Maybe god just hates jews, and poles, and russians, and gays, and the mentally impaired. It's OK though cause god loves you.
You know, I was prepared for your snappy retort that my logic was flawed. So let me tell you, I don't presume to know the mind of God, why He does what He does and so forth. However, neither do you. You see, your rules of logic are flawed because you're thinking like a man. Some answers are beyond us and that's where faith comes in.
Let me ask you a question: why are you and others like you so set on destroying the faith of men and women around you? What a cruel course for a man to take to whittle away at that which gives stability and reason to another man. Simply because you think you're right about the nonexistence of God. Even the logic of man admits there is no man-sought solution to the question.
Why drives you? What makes you rise in the morning? Some kind of faith, or fear, or even love? Why should I not attack your reason for living in kind?
I realize that you believe the world would be a better place without belief in God. I suggest that if no one believed in God, the world would be a far more miserable place.
What gets me up in the morning? usually the dogs, the wife hates to walk the beagles. What drives me? That is a very good question. Not faith nor fear, the voracious quest for knowledge is what drives me, everyday there is something new to learn, experience, or observe, some new piece of knowledge or information some new part of the puzzle some new question. Some new way of seeing how things fit together in the whole to arrive at an answer as to how the world works. It started the day my parents bought me my first microscope when I was six. I bound out of bed every day knowing there is something new out there that I haven't discovered yet. I sleep soundly knowing the next day will bring something else new. Twelve years of catholic school didn't beat that out of me. Four more years at a catholic university taught me to think in new ways as well.
You see I have this silly aversion to blind faith. You see blind faith is what leads to the troubles of the world, not thought out faith. Blind faith is the mark of a weak mind, you don't presume to know the mind of god? why not? didn't god give you a brain? did god not give you the power to reason? did god not give you the power to question? Did you actually read the questions? understanding of gods plan is not necessary, the question was do you believe god has a plan. You cannot have free will if you agree with all of the previous posits. No matter your choice it is part of gods plan as god is all knowing all power full and has a plan which you are part of, therefore you have have no choice. You assume that my previous comments came from an atheist. That little quiz was actually was on my fundamentals of logic final exam. Which was written by Fr. Phil as St. Francis Solanus. I like throwing that one out there to watch the fish flop for an answer and everybody always says free will. Your answer by the way would have garnered you an F from father phil. I have no aversion to faith, there is nothing wrong with faith or even a belief in god, provided you arrive at it through reason and knowledge. Not because some one says you should, if you do that it doesn't make you pious it make you an idiot.
The other thing I've discovered is that no atheist can present any idea or argument be it philosophical, or anthropic that hasn't been beat into the ground.
And until the atheist studies the new testament you can't even debate each other.
That's why when the idolized hitchens would present "if there is a God, why do bad things happen to good people" question, Christians begin rolling our eyes.
You're missing the point. Humans are human. God knows bad things are going to happen.
Faith allows you to see that. Atheists, primarily scientists, who figure out that there is something bigger than even our universe, find solace and peace in knowing that death is life and this earthly life is the
worst it will ever be.
Don't ask me to "think about it".
It's already been thought about.
I've asked the questions of why other galaxies are red-shifted, I've asked why macro and micro evolution occurs, I've asked how we can see stars that have burned out millions of years ago, I've asked why we have definitive answers how the universe was created.
I've asked all of these as an atheist and a Christian. And there's no doubt we are designed intelligently and not by chance.
6:51 gives the perfect atheists answer. A sarcastic answer that skirts the question.
Here's another classic atheist answer...
When asked if wine is what you look forward to in life.
" I'm a scotch man"
What answers you do get from atheists ate very shallow such as what you'be been reading.
It's easy to be lazy and not look deep. To be superficial and shiftless is easier than working for answers.
But we get to the root of this man's problem. He got his hiney spanked in catholic school. He holds a grudge as if catholicism tried to teach him what's right and wrong....but the fact is he grew up....I.to a man to make his own decisions, not from some perverted "father" or some tight cunted nun yet he still cent make decisions on his own. He can't see a god so it must not be there. Besides, those mean Catholics spanked his hiney. They have to be wrong.
For what its worth, Jesus told us that there would be unbelievers. He warned us that skeptics would exist because worldly pleasures would be more intreguing
than having faith in an unseen God.
Walk your beagles. Look forward to the new things brought to you every day. And continue to find pleasure in worldly things. And keep looking through your microscope. Look through your telescope as well. Listen to hawkings voicebox and when he says "it seems we may get something from nothing", listen to the other cosmologists gasping in the background.
It is an idea that leads us one step closer to an answer we will never find out. "How did he do it?"
Let the bad catholic school situation go.
Keep looking into your microscope....and soon you will see chance had nothing to do with it.
So basically don't ask you to think, got it nuff said,
Well, pal, I've made F's before, so it certainly isn't the first time. You're making an F too, though -- Failure to understand. Catholic school and 4 years in the university hasn't got you very far if you still think people and not God is responsible for all this.
I have advanced degrees as well. I have traveled the globe and fought in wars. I've put up with silly ideas and watched as ignorant men grabbed the reins and forced the rest of us to pull. By the way, there's more than one person here answering your assertions.
I like to believe that I have arrived at my faith through "reason and knowledge" but if it comforts you to call me an idiot, then so be it.
Your so-called test for logic is not valid. As I stated before, you're using man's logic in place of faith to bridge the gap between the known and the unknown. That only works to the extent of man's knowledge -- which will always fall short.
On a personal note, so, I gather that because you have no "faith" your reason for living is... the quest for knowledge? I notice you didn't say truth. Hmm, that's interesting.
I might suggest that the mind of the atheist is limited in its imagination and what it can achieve because it insists on "knowing" prior to action.
To the guy who is railing against faith, have you not looked at the new breakthroughs in particle physics and cosmology? You say you're driven by a voracious thirst for knowledge. Much of the new knowledge seems to be leading to a belief in God. You might want to check out theories surrounding the Higgs Field.
As marvelous as the human mind is, I am quite certain it cannot comprehend the totality of the universe and to presume so is the height of hubris. Somewhere, sometime, everybody, even an atheist, takes a leap of faith.
I completely agree with you. I, too, struggled as a college student with the same questions. When I took a job in the science field every bit of data I learned lead me to, without a doubt, know that there was a cause and a creator.
Denny when do I get a thank you. This is the most comments you have ever had on a post. Granted they're from half wit bible thumpers who can't be bothered to think for them selves, but you still got the traffic.
P.S. for pity sake make sure that you don't post a cartoon they might think they can shoot themselves in the face and all the get is smudged up.
If god created the universe who created god? You know, you can't get something from nothing.
5:47 -- Hi, I'm one of the half-wits and I just wanted to thank you for thinking for me. It's difficult to comment and blog when you're just a half-wit. However, I have found that there is no shortage of people like you out there who are always ready to jump in and straighten us out. Thank God for people like you!
9:01 -- Your comment proves you can get something from nothing.
Great question 9:01.
The best scientific answer is that God is not made of matter or energy or any other element known to man. He is outside what we know as our universe. At least that's what the bible told the Jews thousands of years ago. You know, back when technology was very primitive. The odd thing is tissue technology doesn't disprove that. In fact, we now know how the universe began and with every new discovery, the bible makes more and more sense.
Ah yes the bible. A book that is inconsistent and contradictory to its own subject matter, with the content chosen a thousand years after the "fact", by a committee of men that only included the parts they agreed with, who viciously hunted down and destroyed those parts and texts they disagreed with. Who co-opted pagan holidays to suit their needs. Who created an end product that contains wars, racism, animal sacrifice, slavery, infanticide, murder, genocide, rape, adultery, and incest. A book that is used today to justify cruelty and inequality by its believers. Plus if you don't believe what it says you will burn in hell forever, but god loves you. A very low brow piece of fictional literature on par with the lowest pulp material.
I will not debate someone who is not knowledgeable. Read the bible, study it. When you realize it WAS written and you understand the difference between the old and new testament. We will be able to discuss. Until then, God bless.
Hey either you believe it all or you don't believe any of it, it's after all the word of god. So are you a believer or a hypocrite?
9:20 -- From your sarcastic statement above, I see that you really do not know what you are talking about. That's okay. We all had to start somewhere. The Bible is a profound work of art describing the human condition and offering the only true method of salvation. Of course, you've got to believe in an everlasting soul and it sounds as if you have problems with that. If you would do a little research, you'll see that the communists and the national socialists committed the lion's share of killing in the 20th century. I only bring this up to point out the fact that godless politics kill more folks than god-ful politics.
Justify cruelty and inequality? Have you even read the sermon on the mount? While there are a good number of admonishments against reckless personal behavior, you fail to see the good sense and I can only presume you have fallen victim to the ongoing progressive propaganda campaign. I can also add that while we no longer punish adulterers or deviant sexual offenders, I see no reason to congratulate these folks on their choice of behaviors. The Bible is clear -- these folks do not contribute to a sane and stable society.
Holidays were co-opted, it's true, but not by the devout. The politicians of the time did it. But for that matter, so what? Many religions and social systems have done the same thing throughout the centuries.
The Bible also contains descriptions of wars, racism (well, if you say so), animal sacrifice, slavery, infanticide, murder, genocide, rape, adultery, and incest. You can see the same thing on television except television does not comment on the immorality of such actions, as does the Bible.
The Bible is an instruction book that is sorely needed in the world today. If you don't care for what the Bible has to say, try the Koran -- you may return to the Bible with a new perspective.
I'd like to add that the civilized people who first settled our nation were fleeing Europe from religious persecution. I wonder if it delights you to know you are carrying on a long tradition of persecuting Christians? And again, I wonder what sort of person it takes to attempt to destroy the faith of another person?
I don't just persecute christians, I persecute all superstitious religions equally. It's just that I haven't seen any posts by the other religions on this board. That leaves just you.
You didn't answer the question do you believe everything in the bible or not? IF it's an instruction book which instructions do you choose to follow and why? Is it because you agree with them or because you're scared of what the afterlife may bring. Just like a five year old. If you don't do what daddy says you get a cosmic spanking. If you don't believe parts, what parts, and why? Because you disagree with them? Don't like them. Do you find those parts outdated and obsolete in today's society? Who are you to decide what's obsolete and outdated,it's gods word remember. If it's not why bother with reading it at all, it's just some book a committee wrote.
I guess we can string this out a little further, but I must admit your nasty attitude is beginning to put me off. Did you arrive at your conclusions all on your own? Or did you have help? I ask because you seem so sure of yourself, just as sure as many devout Christians I've met. Good, decent, intelligent, and by and large, honest people.
Let me take your post a point at a time:
*I don't just persecute christians, I persecute all superstitious religions equally. It's just that I haven't seen any posts by the other religions on this board. That leaves just you.
You don't know me. You don't know what I am. But yes, you are actively involved in religious persecution. Congratulations.
*You didn't answer the question do you believe everything in the bible or not? IF it's an instruction book which instructions do you choose to follow and why? Is it because you agree with them or because you're scared of what the afterlife may bring. Just like a five year old. If you don't do what daddy says you get a cosmic spanking. If you don't believe parts, what parts, and why? Because you disagree with them? Don't like them. Do you find those parts outdated and obsolete in today's society? Who are you to decide what's obsolete and outdated,it's gods word remember. If it's not why bother with reading it at all, it's just some book a committee wrote.
I don't have to answer questions from you or anybody else when they are put to me in such a confrontational fashion. Why don't you calm down and say what's really on your mind? Why so much animosity, so much bitterness? Have a rough upbringing? Looking for a sense of purpose? Or, maybe you're one of those equality seekers forever trying to change nature into something that conforms better with your own thinking? In any case, the good news is there is relief available to whomever asks for it, whether you believe it or not. I know you didn't ask for it, but because you were so rude, here's a little advice: Don't be such a hater.
Your questions indicate you lack knowledge of the Bible. Maybe a good Bible study program would help?
You don't have to answer yet you continue to post responses.
Hate you? I don't hate you, I don't even know you. I might even like you if I did. I like to hunt and fish. I have dual degrees one in biology and one in chemistry. I own beagles, how about you? I have a number of religious friends some catholic, some lutheran, a high number of baptists (that happens in rural Missouri), we have wonderfully complex chats. I don't change their mind, and they don't change mine.
However, given your continued responses I must have really struck a nerve. Ask yourself this, if all it takes is an anonymous poster on an obscure website comment board to put a pin prick in your balloon of faith, how much faith do you really have?
I've suggested this once and I'll suggest it again. I'll do it without haste or frustration because I'm guilty of assuming everyone was brought up reading the bible.
The old testament was early law for primitive man. It lasted many years. It's fun to study, especially the bloody leviticus, but God made it clear that we do not follow the old law. However, even in genesis, the "master plan" was prophesied. Mathew begins the new law after Jesus was crucified and resurrected.
If a person was to just pick up the new testament he would find that faith and love govern those who follow him.
Unfortunately, we are all human and fall short. But even if a person did not believe in a God or that Jesus ever walked on earth and they lived according to the "fake" example that some mythical creature named Jesus lived, you would see that person strive to live a very moral life, giving to the poor, and taking care of the less fortunate. You see this very things from Christian churches everyday. It just doesn't make your 10 oclock news.
Unfortunately, ignorant people will lump extreme Muslims, fake healers trying to scam the elderly, and other idiots out there together with Christians...all being labeled "religion".
I can totally see how someone who did not grow up in the church can't see what the Christian lifestyle represents.
I don't blame any intelligent person for questioning religion.
But I despise the person who puts Christianity down without studying it and would rather stand up for worldly things.
We having fun?
*You don't have to answer yet you continue to post responses.
You have a nasty attitude. Like you, I am free to answer as I wish. You trying to shout me down?
*Hate you? I don't hate you, I don't even know you.
I told you so already. But you are a hater. You persecute that which you don't understand. That makes you xenophobic as well. Man, you're all screwed up!
*I might even like you if I did.
No doubt about it. You know why? Because I carry the good news.
*I like to hunt and fish.
Hmm. Very manly.
*I have dual degrees one in biology and one in chemistry.
Wow! You must be smart!
* I own beagles, how about you?
Don't care for beagles myself.
*I have a number of religious friends some catholic, some lutheran, a high number of baptists (that happens in rural Missouri), we have wonderfully complex chats.
I'll bet you do.
*I don't change their mind, and they don't change mine.
Sounds great. Can we come over and hang out?
*However, given your continued responses I must have really struck a nerve.
Ah, so you are looking to run me (us) off? Therefore, in your eyes, argument won, cosmological riddle solved -- all thanks to you and the potent knowledge you bring to the blog? Don't give yourself so much credit, there, cowboy. You've made a number of excited statements about the Bible and demanded answers like a starving acolyte. I think folks here have been extremely tolerant with you, especially considering your full-on admission of intended persecution.
*Ask yourself this, if all it takes is an anonymous poster on an obscure website comment board to put a pin prick in your balloon of faith, how much faith do you really have?
You assume you have somehow reduced my faith? Hold on... sorry, I had to go back and read to see exactly when and where you went off course. It was way back there. No, the fact is, I think I've gotten under your skin. I mean, it's plain to see -- you just won't let things go. I'm kidding, actually. I just said that because you said it first. I'm only five, remember? What do you expect?
Hey atheist guy. You give yourself way too much credit. I doubt if you've shaken anyone's faith on this board so maybe quit slapping yourself on the back.
Like a moth you continue to dance around the flame.
It really is a simple question.
Do you or do you not believe the bible? Do you believe it all or just parts? If you only believe parts how do you decide which parts? Just the parts you agree with? Why do you agree with only certain parts. You're the ones who claim it's the word of god.
Think of it this way what would jesus do.
To the author of 5:31 -- Like a moth? How eloquent. Unfortunately, you have built your fire in the jaws of the dragon. You, sir, are very much like the attention-seeking fool who enters a party and goes from person to person asking each to pull his finger. Of course, no one fulfills his request because they already know the joke and they wish to avoid a rude sound and the accompanying stink.
Go pedal your faithless drivel somewhere else. Work to unite, not divide.
1) it was answered above.
2) study first. Then we'll talk.
3) this is the second time I've said #'s 1 and 2.
Still no simple yes or no. Color me unsurprised.
I just can't make it any simpler, Do you believe the bible or not?
7:49 -- Naw, I'll just color you stupid and obstinate. Look at all the posts answering you and yet you still make demands. Talk about making a fool of yourself.
Oh well, I'm sure there's a reason for your life although I'm fairly certain it is NOT as an advocate for atheism. Focused prayer could help you find that reason.
Answer some questions for the believers here. Are you a communist/socialist? Are you gay? Big on equal rights? Beagle owner? Unable to read? A simple yes or no on each would be great but I'm sure we'd be amused to see you take the apologists' role and expand your answers.
This is not a timed exercise, so take all weekend if you like.
I wonder are you folks getting frustrated yet? Usually about this far into this folks get kind of pissy. The funniest part about this is that I stopped reading the posts about 20 or so back. I just check in to see if the number of posts have changed. Since I have had enough of these discussions to know how you're going to answer, so I just used canned responses. I am just posting to see how high I can get the number. I bet I can make it climb to plus fifty. Have you started with the ad hominem attacks? Am I a communist yet? How about liberal? or gay? Are you praying for my lost soul? I wonder how much longer you will continue to respond, based upon past history I bet you can't stop yourselves. I will check back in a couple of days.
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