If Hitler asked you to electrocute someone, would you do it?
Before you take the moral high ground, you should know that 90% of us would in the right environment and situation! It seems all humans have the capacity for evil...
Even though Mr. Zimbardo may not be a commanding personality, his hypotheses, based on his studies, are quite alarming. I find it most amazing as to how and why people can succumb to evil and their actions can graduate into inflicting pain, suffering and death onto others...
i found this very interesting....
i was a guest speaker for 6 high school classes last week. i was talking about how evil and mean people are. then i told them that i believe ALL people are inherently good... in their hearts, all people are born good. they turn evil based on environment and how they've been treated....
thank you for sharing this... this is something that should be taught to as many people as possible. i wonder if explaining this would allow people to recognize situations that create evil and avoid them... maybe not...
Authority and peer pressure, Milgram did it better and didn't bother to blame evil or satan. The experiment was to see if an event like the holocaust could happen again. Given the right authority figure and peer pressure it can and has. Religion or political ideology of any type can be used to cause the exact same situation to cause the exact same consequence.
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