Thursday, September 15, 2011

Foreign political cartoons

h/t McGillicutty


aroundthecorner said...

Subject: The real problem with our governmental system

The folks who are getting free shit
Don't like the folks who are paying for the free shit,
Because the folks who are paying for the free shit
Can no longer afford to pay for both the free shit and their own shit.

And, the folks who are paying for the free shit
Want the free shit to stop.
And the folks who are getting the free shit
Want even MORE free shit on top of the free shit they're getting already!

Now, the people who are forcing people to PAY for the free shit
Have told the people who are RECEIVING the free shit,

That the people who are PAYING for the free shit

Are being mean, prejudiced and racist.

So, the people who are GETTING the free shit,

Have been convinced they need to HATE the people

Who are PAYING for the free shit,

Because they are selfish.

And they are promised more free shit

If they will vote for the people who force the people who pay for the free shit,

To give them even more free shit.
And - - - - - that's the Straight Shit!

Something you might find blogworthy

Kathleen... said...

Lol, Mr. Corner! All of those "sh*ts" made me laugh!

Embarrassing imagining what the world thinks of us, eh?

aroundthecorner said...

Sheez, I could have posted it, but all the shits didnt go with my normal repore, so I sent it to Denny thinking he might post it....he did! LOL

RPM said...

Ya really want to know who's getting the free shit? About 50% of Wise County +/-. It ain't just mexicans and blacks either. The majority of Food Stamp, WIC and public assistance that I see dispensed is to good ol' white folk that buy $100 worth of ice cream, chips, sodas, Red Bull maybe a couple frozen pizzas on their Lone Star card then whip out $100 cash for a carton of Marlboro Reds and two 30 packs of Natty Light.

They are also the first to vote (if they actually voted) against any "liberal welfare agenda" while they feast off it.

The Food Stamp program needs a major overhaul.

Sorry, I'll step off my soapbox now...