Thursday, August 18, 2011

More proof American taxpayers
fund terrorism! $360,000,000!

If this isn't proof we have complete incompetents running our government, you need to keep drinking your koolaide...unless it's being done on purpose! This should also prove our troops don't belong over there, since we are funding the enemy.

This is also proof positive that government spending will never fix this economy. Hell, this should show Americans that no amount of government spending will fix anything!!! But let's just let them continue to transfer American wealth to the Middle East, China and Europe. This is the change we were promised...

$360M lost to insurgents, criminals in Afghanistan

DEB RIECHMANN, Associated Press
RICHARD LARDNER, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. military estimates that $360 million spent on combat support and reconstruction contracts in Afghanistan has ended up in the hands of people the American-led coalition has battled for nearly a decade: the Taliban, criminals and local power brokers with ties to both, The Associated Press has learned.

The losses, measured over the past year by a special task force assembled by Gen. David Petraeus, underscore the challenges the U.S. and its international partners face in overcoming corruption in Afghanistan. A central part of the Obama administration's strategy has been to award U.S.-financed contracts to Afghan businesses to help improve quality of life and stoke the country's economy.

Feel free to read for yourself!

1 comment:

el chupacabra said...

I'm very sure more of of our treasure is lost there to corruption than legit building.
The profitteering, reverse laundry tactics etc should come as no surprise especially considering the area.
It's so bad though other articles have hi lited the fact diplomats are using their immunity to carry out BAGS of cash to third party nations making round trip after round trip to make deposits.
We should be ashamed of ourselves- at many levels.