Monday, July 11, 2011

You make the call...

The president said today that he will not sign a 30 day, 60 day or 90 day extension on raising the debt ceiling.

I will bet half the farm he will before he allows the government to default. He wants his check!

If he wasn't the president, I would say this was a lie.


Anonymous said...

I don't know about you kooks but it sure is nice to have a leader stand in front of us and take control.
He's told us he is willing to make sacrifices to get this done, even to where he will sacrifice some of his own money. Who else has been willing to do that?
Hope your republicans come around and don't ruin his plan.

Anonymous said...

Seeing is believing! Obama is a lot of talk and not a lot of action!

Anonymous said...

So he's a politician just like all the rest.

∞ ≠ ΓΈ said...

@ Anon 12:34

Washington (CNN) - Former president Bill Clinton enjoyed his most lucrative year ever on the speaking circuit in 2010, capping a decade of paid speaking events that has earned him $75.6 million since leaving office in 2001, according to a CNN analysis.

You fool.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you, sideways 8 equal sign with a line through it and zero with a line through it.

President Clinton was also a great speaker. Like Obama, he also got jobs done.

Anonymous said...

Do you fools really believe Obama is a great speaker?

And as far as change, or progress, or equality -- what about freedom? Under Obama and the new socialist movement, freedom is a stale concept for the old world, not the new world. The state will grant rights to deserving groups instead of freedom to all individuals.