Saturday, July 2, 2011

Latest American made weaponry!

Ruger is coming out with a new and intimidating pistol in honor of United States Senators and Congressmen.

It will be named the "Politician".

It doesn't work and you can't fire it.

h/t McMike


Anonymous said...

I bought the Obama model. It came with a black synthetic stock. It was shiney and new. I loved it until I tried to defend my family from an intruder... that's when I found out it only fired blanks.

an Donalbane said...

Hey pardner, speak kindly when you say the name 'Ruger' - I'm damn near a stockholder in that company - well, actually, I am a stockholder, I guess, since my Ruger products have stocks.

Anonymous said...

Testing to see if my posts are going through on the new cellular device or if you have not tended them in several hours. Again.... this is only a test.