Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Kettle calling the pot black ...again!

Does anyone other than myself find it absolutely insane that our President is warning of an economic crisis if the debt ceiling isn't raised??? Sorry buddy, but you haven't helped the current economic crisis, why should anyone listen to your unknown, unproven plans today?

This is the same President whose leaders found opportunity in crisis... Who promised the American people he would not raise taxes... Who tripled the U.S. debt in 3 years... Who is redistributing our wealth to other countries... Who is making Americans dependent on a government check through unemployment and entitlements...

Now that Congress isn't letting him showboat and play with the budget, he's not happy. Take away his credit cards and watch him cry...very loudly!

We were in crisis when Reagan took office and he turned the economy around for over a decade, as well as bankrupt the Soviet Union. Bush had a huge stock market crash after 9/11 and he used Reagan's model and brought it back within 2 years. Obama and dems think they can spend this economy back from the brink, but it has never worked in any culture throughout the history of the world...

Free enterprise works if the government would leave it alone. Tax business and they can't use that money to pay their workers. Businesses don't pay taxes, people pay taxes; business just passes the expense to the consumer.

...but I could be wrong!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's insane!
But look at the progress this country has made by electing a black president. See, you have to be optimistic.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who actually believes that the president regardless of party has any control of the economy is an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Anybody who has the ability to spend trillions of dollars (of other people's money) can most definitely affect our economy.

You sir are the idiot.

Big Ed

Anonymous said...

See Ed you prove my point, I bet you also belong to the tea party as well.

Anonymous said...


Obama was against it before he was for it.