Thursday, May 12, 2011

Latest movie review

Well, I followed a suggestion and rented "Winter's Bone" on Netflix and it was hands down the best sleeper I have seen in several years.

Many will find this movie hard to grasp since we don't live in this society and know very little of its culture, even though it's in America. It has enough drama to make your heart break and enough cruelty and suspense to make you want to cover your eyes or leave the room.

Winter's Bone is a "gotta see it" flick. You may not be able to watch the whole thing, but it is reality in America; no matter if you hide your eyes or not. You may think you're tough, but this 17 year old girl plays the toughest character I've seen in a long time. Courage and bravery can be found in the most unlikely people and places.

Enjoy, it will mess with your squash...



Anonymous said...

Huh Huh , you said "Bone" !

The Backdoor Intruder

Kathleen... said...

Very good "sleeper" indy! That girl gave meaning to the word "resilient."