Thursday, March 10, 2011

Showing my @$$... again!

If I ever needed a reason to do business with Target, here it is! Lady Gaga drops them because they don't support gay rights...

I have no problem with gay people, but I do have a problem with any sect wanting "special rights" above and beyond what the government has provided average Americans. I don't care what color, sex, religion, sexual preference, handicap or any other condition that would allow someone preferential treatment over me.

So, I guess you can say that I'm still an outspoken, prejudiced, bigoted, racist, homophobic, chauvinistic, heartless religican. Well, all I have to say is this: Nobody's perfect!

One thing I do know, I am now a new, loyal Target customer. God bless free enterprise! And I thank God for my freedom to choose...

Denney Crane


Kathleen... said...

I'm with you. Lady GaGa is a LookAtMe Moron anyway. I'd counter GaGa's "it's over!" with a rhetorical question: Would she drop Target for supporting a cause she's not nuts about? Say Pro-Life/Adoption? Focus on the Family?

Mzchief said...

I show my a$$ every time I get a chance.

Anonymous said...

And I garantee God will judge em.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what special rights gay people are wanting. They are just wanting to get married like everyone else.

And I think actually Target supports gay rights, they just made a donation to an anti-gay politician. Target also has donated money to LGBT organizations.

Also, the concern you have about others getting "preferential treatment over me" sure does make you sound like a cry baby.

Anonymous said...

Gays are free to marry anyone of the opposite sex that will have them, just like everyone else is.