Friday, November 26, 2010

Pop term of the day

Thingsgetting Day

The day after Thanksgiving Day, when shoppers flood retail shops for supposed holiday deals. Also known as "Black Friday" and sometimes celebrated as "Buy Nothing Day."

"I was so full of tofurkey, I didn't think I was going to be able to get up early to wait in line at the big box stores on Thingsgetting Day."

Urban Dictionary


Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

Tofurkey would be grounds enough to make any day "Black (fill in the blank).

Doc Feelgood said...

Denney, I enjoy reading your blog, and it's your blog, so publish it as you wish. My comment, tho, is that I doubt if "Mzchief said..." above is the Mzchief that comments all around here, and my opinion is that what this person is doing is not funny, and worse than commenting anonymously. I would recommend that comments of that type not be allowed. Again, only my 2 cents worth. Have a great day.