Thursday, September 23, 2010

F#@& You Mr. President!

Some of the country's most prominent health insurance companies have decided to stop offering new child-only plans, rather than comply with rules in the new health-care law that will require such plans to start accepting children with preexisting medical conditions after Sept. 23.

FYI: The title for this post is not what I am saying to our President, but what the insurance companies have indirectly told the President by their actions. Breaking the new law he established is sending him a very distinct message, don't you think?



Mango's Madness said...

He is such a wonderful leader. NNNottt!!!! Come on November!


Anonymous said...

Fuck the insurance companies and their dammed greedy owners. The government should shut those bastards down. Who are they to control who gets medical help and who doesn't? Who are they to control life and death? Insurance companies and Pharmaceutical companies are worse than the Mafia could ever be and they get by with their rape of a nation legally.

I guess it's time to get some grass roots organizations going to stop these killers of the working class and the poor.

Some people will jump on any band wagon to attack President Obama even if they end up cutting their own nose off in the process. Ignorance only supported someone like George Bush. It takes brains to see a bigger picture. It takes courage and compassion to stand up to the money mongers and stand by the people. I stand with President Obama and I will be around in November too.

LandShark 5150 said...

J --
Damn the capitalist -- those greedy bastards that dare make a profit, so taking my wage at the IRS gun point for some entitled urbanite is fair? If insurance companies and healthcare providers didn't have to swim thru government mandated stacks of paperwork and red tape that a red vs. blue all encompassing entity of big brother throws at them, maybe just maybe, healthcare would be affordable.
Those who couldn't afford it would then be given the chance to be taken in by those who give out of compassion i.e. ( county hospitals, those that where built by the churches and good people of the community). All done for the people by the people and not by the mother goose fairy tale of gubbermint.
When you get past the Yankees vs. Red Sox argument of party line, you'll see they are on the same team. One is overdosing you by mainline control and the other is daily management doses of control.
Both are poison and designed to kill. Freedom and liberty is dead no matter which path you decide to follow.

Kathleen... said...

Alas, the Baby's right.

Denney Crane said...

I have posted a notation to this post in case you're interested...

Anonymous said...

I knew what you meant. But it makes sense to clarify it if you feel people don't understand.

I'll post a answer to Landshark 5150's comment to me on my blog if you or he/she are interested in reading it...feel free to check it out. I've had a few of your followers attack my views so why have them do it here.

I think I am the only liberal that comes to your blog. I'm like a fish out of my waters. I guess it seems fitting that someone called Landshark would nibble on me. (smile). But then again my followers would have a completely different take then your's do. And in the end do any of our views matter?

So Denney...are you saying you stand by our President or were you just covering you ass?

Just asking.

Denney Crane said...

I respect the office, I don't respect the man if his behavior doesn't earn my respect.

Would I stand by our President?

Only on the front line of the war in Afganistan.

I feel the same way about GW Bush!