Monday, May 24, 2010

Local unreported news...

Apparently, a 53 year old Alvord woman was found dead Sunday, hanging in her barn. What happened to our local news?


mzchief said...

If it was a suicide why would this be "news"?

Sensei Mitch said...

Because it could be an indicator of larger social and economic problems.

Or perhaps just so people in the community are aware of what is going on...perhaps if people heard a story like this they would be more apt to 'look in on' their neighbors to see how they are doing.

And since when is death not news?!

mzchief said...

To Mitch...
Believe it or not, regardless of how nosy are the neighbours, it is NONE of the community's business what goes on in someone's PRIVATE life.

To minimize the death of a human to being nothing more than a social lesson to the disinterested/lackadaisical is on the verge of immoral.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mitch,
You're a douche.
Quit "Looking in" on your neighbors. You're annoying them.
Have a nice day.

Sensei Mitch said...

Wow, interesting responses!

To mzchief,..
We were not talking about a "PRIVATE Life" but rather a "private" death. I completely agree that people's private lives are none of the communities business (barring illegal activity). I would be interested to know when you think the community has a right to know what goes on in someone's PRIVATE life? Your comment speaks volumes on your beliefs and values, your reply undoubtedly will expose more of the same.

To Anonymous...
LOL! You're brilliant! Though cowardly...

To everyone else, my comment was not meant to insinuate that we should 'keep' an eye on each other, but that often a simple display of kindness can alter someone's life. A smile, holding a door or a simple hello, how are you at the mailbox.

mzchief said...

To Mitch...
You are correct, a lot can be discerned by people's comments and yours are far more revealing than you will ever understand.

Obviously, I am not alone in my belief that you and every other Nosy Nellie needs to mind their own business and allow other people to live/die in PRIVATE. I stand by my original assertion that it verges on immoral to marginalize someone's death by using your bogus excuse, of teaching people to be more caring, to intrude into people's private lives/deaths. Based on your belief, everyone who dies from lung cancer, skin cancer and/or sclerosis of the liver should be exposed as a smoker, sunbather and/or drinker and held up as an example of what NOT to do. I guess you would feel it is appropriate to expose people who die from obesity related diseases like Type II diabetes and heart disease as lazy lard-arses. Believe it or not, NO ONE'S PRIVATE life/death should be used, without their consent, as a lesson to others.

So long as a person is not violating a law for which they will be arrested/indicted, it is NONE of yours, mine or anyone else's business. I think it is an invasion of the public's privacy when the Wise County Sheriff's Dept. publicizes their out calls when the call results in the Deputy taking no action.

I am one of the few people you will encounter who TRULY believes government needs to keep their nose out of people's lives and fingers out of the public's pocketbook.

"The right to be left alone – the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by a free people." - Justice Louis Brandeis, Olmstead v. U.S. (1928)