Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Rambling on...

photo of
Jennifer Lynne
removed at the request of
Jennifer Lynne

  • So you want revenge on your spouse or significant other after you catch them cheating? You could publically humiliate them by posting their name on the Cheater Registry and tell your story and post photographic proof… You could also check to see if someone you’re interested in happens to be listed.
  • Will you be one of those men whose wife or girlfriend will make you try the new medication designed to prevent premature ejaculation? Yea, I thought so...
  • I find these 5 cardinal rules for traveling abroad to be most helpful. If you ever experience one of the consequences of breaking these rules, you will most assuredly regret it...
  • Looking at the military bunkers in Normandy somehow creeps me out. They look cool but I when I picture all the soldiers who died near them makes me ill.
  • If there was ever a question as to where the money is spent that you donate to the Republican or Democratic political parties, "about two-thirds of the money they take in on the care and comfort of committee staffs and on efforts to raise more funds, with lavish spending on limousines, expensive hotels, meals and tips..." Surprized?
  • Politicians have become rock stars...
  • So how do you win an election in Iraq if voters choose another candidate? Have your opponent disqualified! Doesn’t sound like a democracy to me…

1 comment:

mzchief said...

Obviously, the Iraqis are taking a page from Obama's playbook. Obama had all four of his opponents disqualified in his 1996 bid for the Democrat primary for the state Senate in Illinois.

The Wall Street Journal