Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Rambling on...

Danica McKellar
  • 100 Twitter accounts every guy should follow!

  • Medical helicopters need better safety standards? Ya think?

  • If you are considering buying a gift card or product from one of these companies, you might want to think again, since they look to be going down the tubes.

  • Here is how your taxes will be affected by the new health care bill; starting in 2011. Render unto Caesar...

  • What happens when our government doesn’t have the money to buy as many votes as usual? In New York, as many as 10,000 may lose their homes! NY is one city over-taxing the rich, which doesn’t help since they’re moving out and taking jobs with them. Thank goodness we have FEMA camps...


Jeffrey said...

I wonder if they'll have ice cream and internet in the camps. I guess I could live without ice cream but how will I check my email? Will they release us each day to go to work? I can't pay my taxes if I'm locked up. If I can't pay my taxes, I'll get fined and my life will be meaningless.

Anonymous said...

I love me some Winnie Cooper!

I'd like to get some math instruction from her on curves and angles...