Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The proper way telephones should be answered in America

Good Morning! Welcome to the United States of America, a Christian nation of the free and the home of the brave.

Press '1' for English.

Press '2' to disconnect until you learn to speak English

How may I help you?

And remember only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you, Jesus Christ and the American Soldier. one died for your soul, the other for your freedom.

h/t McMike


Anonymous said...

Very profound. Thank you.

mzchief said...

According the the first phrase of the first sentence of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, the US is NOT a "Christian nation." Believe it or not, the US is not run by Christian Sharia Law so it is NOT a "Christian nation."

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

an Donalbane said...

I agree.

an Donalbane said...

Now I've got the conundrum of explaining whether my "I agree" is to the original blog (yes), or the preceding comment (no).

Without disrespect to MZ (she gets enough of that on another blogger's comments), I would simply note that the "make no law" reference applies to Congress. Wouldn't prevent someone from recording their telephone greeting as suggested in the post, if they so chose.

If I choose to call my homeland a Christian nation, it's my perogative. It may not be a de jure Christian nation, and I get that.

Likewise, in true laissez faire(y?) fashion, if the, uh, alternative lifestyle folks wish to talk about Queer Nation, well, that's their choice also.

mzchief said...

To The Donald...
Please note, the title of the blog is "The proper way telephones should be answered in America" and does not stipulate that it is the proper way for Christians to answer their phones. You are correct that it is your prerogative to call your homeland a Christian nation but it does not make it anymore correct than a Muslim American calling the US a Muslim nation or a Catholic American calling the US a Catholic nation. The fact that the US Constitution assures that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..." guarantees that the US is NOT a Christian/Muslim/Catholic/Buddhist nation but does assure that Christians, Muslims, Catholics, Buddhists and members of every other religion as well as non-religious people are able to live within the US without being harassed/pressured by those of differing religious beliefs. Believe it or not, some people are just as offended by Crazy Christians/Insane Islamists forcing their beliefs down the throats of people who do not believe in their myths as they are by Gays/Lesbians forcing their lifestyle on the rest of society.

I feel about religious folk the same way I feel about gays/lesbians/hetros who feel compelled to expose the world to their chosen lifesty. It is great that they believe the way they do and want to live that way but out of common decency, do NOT force it on to people who do not advocate/participate in your personal choices.

I always get a real laugh out of Christians who say..."Why do the gays have to have parades and be so in your face about being gay and can't just be satisfied with being gay and leave the rest of us alone." because I always think the exact same thing about Christians/Muslims/Catholics.

an Donalbane said...

C'mon MZ, I'm not trying to perpetuate a urinating contest...I very well understand the first amendment, and reiterate that it is an injunction on the Congress related to the making of laws, not a prohibition on how someone might possibly program their voice-mailbox. I think the title of the post is tongue-in-cheek, not really intending to confer the weight of law with respect to the answering of phones in America.

True, we are by law not a Christian nation, nor of any other religion, be it Islam, Wicca, or Onanism (of which I'm beginning to believe blog commenting may be a sub-form). But, in practice, certainly the largest single religious affiliation in the U.S. is of Christian nature. So, if Denney Crane, or whoever, were to state in the context of a phone message that this is a Christian nation, I don't think that would be an incorrect assertion. Not legally correct, but not prohibited in any way by the first amendment. In fact, even a less defensible position could be stated, e.g.: The U. S. is a Muslim nation, in the context of a phone message, if someone so desired. Doesn't have anything to do with the Congress.

I guess I don't get my hackles up quite so much based on what people say they believe in. I'm somewhat capable of articulating my own positions, but don't feel compelled to force my viewpoint (conservative/libertarian), lifestyle (straight), or religion (Methodist/non-denom) on anyone. If someone agrees with me, great. If not, that's okay as well.

But, as Denney says, I could be wrong...

mzchief said...

There is a vast difference between the US being a Christian nation and it being a nation with a predominately Christian population. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and United Arab Emirates are Muslim nations. Iraq, Tunisia and Indonesia are nations with a predominately Muslim population. See the difference?

Americans who are eager to proclaim the US is a nation based on religious dogma fail to realize, there will come a day they will be fighting about which religion's dogma upon which to base their laws. If you doubt me, just look to history.