Sunday, April 4, 2010

God bless you
this fine Easter Sunday

There is no Christianity without the resurrection of the Christ. It is in His name I pray, because it's where all authority was given. He set the example. He loved sinners, healed them and gave them power over sin; for over 2000 years now.

May His love abound in you that you may be filled with the Holy Spirit, and experience great joy. It came at a very high price.


1 comment:

an Donalbane said...

Absolutely on target DC.

Awhile back I rented The Passion of the Christ, having missed it in its initial theatrical release.

I had intended to watch it with the kids, but as the timing worked out, watched it alone. I found it very brutal, and was glad they hadn't watched it with me. I thought Gibson had overdone it with the depictions of the cruelty inflicted on our Saviour.

Yesterday in church, scenes from The Passion ran on the screens during the sermon, and I realized that in fact it could not have been shown any other way.

While the treatment of Christ was incomprehensible to our minds, the fact that our Father would allow his Son, one with Him, to be humiliated by His earthly captors, not because they sought Him out but while they were yet sinners, bespeaks a boundless love.

I haven't spent all my years on earth in reverence, but I intend to spend the remainder of them proclaiming his Glory and Love.