Monday, March 22, 2010

Rambling on...

Izabella Miko
  • In 2003, a 15 year old anonymously started a website message board. Today, 4Chan attracts over 8 million people a month who post over 800,000 new items a day.

    Christopher Poole was voted Time Magazine’s most influential person of 2009. A success story like his never ceases to amaze me…

  • Walmart learned a hard lesson when they found out they can’t control everything Americans buy. I find it hilarious that they blame it on remodeling…

    Walmart doesn’t loose money when they remodel, but they do fire corporate executives that cost them money.

  • Nancy Pelosi and her house of reprobates have passed 0bamacare for the sake of SOCIAL JUSTICE.

    I wonder if this is the same SOCIAL JUSTICE that will enslave our children to debt and taxation?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What else are they going to do in the name of social justice? What's next? Standby...