Monday, March 22, 2010

Political Pregret

  • In a move ignored by the media, President Obama has quietly moved behind the scenes to restore full funding to the radical group ACORN, which was his former employer and legal client.

    If he wasn't the President, this would be considered a conflict of interest...

  • Make your house payments on time but times are hard so you sign up for the government’s mortgage assistance program. But now that you've asked for help from your government and you find that by doing so your credit score could be damaged by as much as 100 points.

    And some idiots think 0bamacare will be different!

  • I, as most Americans, want health care reform. The problem I have with this particular bill is it's being forced on the American people by politicians who are KNOWN criminals and liars...

    How can you expect a sane person to believe anything they say?

  • In some parts of the world, governments believe punishment should fit the crime. Some even believe punishment should permanently eliminate certain crimes. In Argentina, they have authorized chemical castration for rapists.

    Although the criminals are being disarmed, I think that’s letting them off easy…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In east Texas it was a stump a fence staple,a knife and a match.DAGO